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New Hawk


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Nothing happend much yesterday just done some short jumps because he was reluctant to jump any decent distance, he was 1lb 9 .3 yesterday


Today he was 1lb 8.4 and that wieght loss has made a huge diffrence he was alot quicker about 20 secounds trying to get him to jump instead of 3-4 minutes lol. Jumping full length of the leash now about 1 1/2 meters :D :D Hopefully be on creance by saturday or sunday




Jason ;)

Edited by scotlandforever
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Well Everyone


Today was the day


Went to pick up my first Harris Hawk, With the help of Rentomski of the site :notworthy::notworthy:


Well got there went and caught the bird up fitted Anklets, Jesses, Bell


Wieghed in at 1lb 14 with a crop on him


Will get a pick up tomorrow some time







p.s Thanks You Bruce :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:



best of luck,great fun ahead :clapper:

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Wieghed in at 1lb 7.4 today and took him over, creance on walked away and he flew full creance instant. couldnt belive that .1 of an ounce could make him that much quicker so got 3 flights instant then creance off, walked him back to the post sat him up walked back heart going like the clappers :icon_redface: whistle and of he came instant 4 flights with he creance off the cast him into the wind he flew up and ove me and landed about 100yrds in the next field, was shitten ma self but quick whistle and he came no problem :clapper: :clapper: .



then got the dummy bunnie out put a front leg on it ran and he came great right on to the front if it let him feed up on it then picked him up took the dummie bunnie off and let him finish the leg




Jason :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well lads



HES ENTERD :boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie:



I am soo happy, went out with ferrtet bolted a few bunnies and he just sat and watched them but after a few more he click and that was it he flew everyone that bolted. then he finally got one on the last burrow lol was sooo happy heres the shity pics off my phone fogot to lift my dad digicam










Jason :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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