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Which duck/goose call do you use now

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Hi There


I prefer acrylic duck calls, they are so easy to use and clean. Buck Gardiner and HS have a great range and I use several of them, my favourites are the BG tall timber (I or II single reed) which when tuned is a great grunt, cluck and feeding call, and the BG Double Nasty (double reed) which has the widest vocabularly.


All this said, when out on the forshore, it is the 6in1 whistles that really come in handy for wigeon and teal, with the tall timber grunts a great wigeon enticer as they swing to the deeks.


I know little about goose calls, my mates seem to cover those bases, but I do use a standard OLT goose call for the Pinks and it occassionally works!

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I cant blow a olt 800 goose call to save my self but once you can get it right they are the best call for geese by far but very hard to get used to


I use a haydals snow goose call every morning this makes a great pinks call i have used these call's for the past 5 years without no problem


I do use a olt duck call and it gives a great sound


All the best



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hi, i use archie jordens pink,greylag, canada calls, also he does some good mallard calls single and double reeds but i use primos single reed mallard call very loud out on the forshore .

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For my wildfowling I take three calls with me. For the duck I use a 6 in 1 and what I belive is a plastic Olt for mallard. For geese I use an Olt 800.

This was recommended by a professional guide and after some searching found one on e bay. They did stop making them at one point but they may be made again under another name. It is a versitile call and I use it for calling pinks, canadas and greys. Learning to make the different calls can take a while but if you keep it in your car you can practise to your hearts content with out anoying the rest of the family.

A friend and me once called and turned a skein on the Tay with no decoys and dropped three, you feel that you have achieved some thing then even if it was him that got the left end right.

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