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headed out to the other side

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well i had a call off a mate last night asking if i fancied a trip round the other side of the wash to us, so i said yes and we arranged a time for him to pick me up 4.15 :cry: well 4.15 came and he arrived on time .so i went got my gun and kit and headed out to meet him we put my kit into the truck then i went to fetch murphy from the run we put him in the front and off we went.


it was about a 10 mile drive to where we wanted to be so it was not long before we got there, when we arrived there was a car already there and 2 other fowlers getting kitted up, we had a chat to them and asked them where they were heading out to.


we got sorted and kitted up and also headed off ,it was about a half an hour walk to where we wanted to be chatting on the way when we got to the top of the bank the wind was straight in our face, brill i said north easterly wind its one of the best winds for that marsh .


we set off from the bank walking out onto the marsh with the wind in our face as we were half way out we could hear wigeon whistling and mallard calling while walking out also laughing and giggling like two school kids :boogy: :tongue4: well we got to where we wanted to be and we could see the tide was pushing up the creek so we knew we would not have long .we crossed over a couple of little creeks and went another 150 yards out and got sat down it started to break day light and things were on the move , we was sat down for about 10 mins and my mate said he was going a bit further out because he could see wigeon moving along the tide line and along the green edge .


so he went another 40 to 50 yards further out .he was not out there long before he was back because the tide was pushing up fast with the wind behind it he got sat back down and within about a couple of minutes there was 3 wigeon come up the creek from his side he managed a right and left, i hit the 3rd hard but it went out over the water and was lost we thought by this time there was duck all over but just too wide of us .


we got the dogs back in and settled again we was sat chatting and i looked up the creek and could see something floating up the creek it got closer and closer then i saw it was the wigeon i had shot earler ,i sent murphy out for it with that i looked up and there was a single wigeon above me going like the clappers back wind .i pulled through it and shot and it winged out behind us so i was up and after it faster than the dog my mate marked it and i went over to where he said it had come down . i sent murphy on for it and could see him run to a creek and jump straight in when i got over to him , he was swimming around in a circle the wigeon had dived under the water .


i knew it was lost, wigeon are great divers, it took me about 5 minutes to get murphy out the water he wanted his duck but it had gone , i was gutted :censored: , i headed back over to my mate and it was time to drop back to the rock hides because the water was nearly up to my knees . when we got back to the rocks we could see we was out the shooting because the ducks were out over the water where we was sat first thing , so we sat down and had a chat and i took a few photos .it was a great flight not may ducks shot but it aint all about shooting loads of ducks and geese.



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Looks like you had a decent morning out ;);)


f**k sitting in that water id rather walk a plough :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


ATB TOMMY :yes::yes:



the amount of rain we have had in the last two days here mate you will have to walk through the water on the plough mate. anyway it will do you some good walking the plough with you eating all those marsbars and snickers you could do with loosing a few pounds. :laugh::whistling:

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