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is there any one who can give me some permission in essex

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its not really a case of getting me in a good mood, but everyone knows how hard it is to get GOOD permission, so handing it out is probably rarer than rocking horse shit,


the problem being, is that our permissions are got by us, handing them out to others can and do, only get us a bad name, the landowner would think we cant be bothered, or as has been noted by another member who will remain nameless, he took a new member to his local permission, only to find out a few weeks later, that the new member had paid return visits to the permission, using the permission holders name as a way of getting on the land,


all I can suggest is, like others, carry on posting both topics and replies on here, once people have got to know you, you may get an invite out, which can then lead to regular outings


ferreter216 did just that, and show'd he's invaluble when ferreting :thumbs:

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its not really a case of getting me in a good mood, but everyone knows how hard it is to get GOOD permission, so handing it out is probably rarer than rocking horse shit,


the problem being, is that our permissions are got by us, handing them out to others can and do, only get us a bad name, the landowner would think we cant be bothered, or as has been noted by another member who will remain nameless, he took a new member to his local permission, only to find out a few weeks later, that the new member had paid return visits to the permission, using the permission holders name as a way of getting on the land,


all I can suggest is, like others, carry on posting both topics and replies on here, once people have got to know you, you may get an invite out, which can then lead to regular outings


ferreter216 did just that, and show'd he's invaluble when ferreting :thumbs:

i can remeber i spoke to you some time back .your from grays aint ya im from chadwell.... you like long netting when you do ferreting mainly dont ya ? anywayz thank you for your advise

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I was in grays, thurrock a few times, loads of bunnys......that get hunted by every tom dick and harry...... :D:yes:

I lamped some feilds aswell, the bunnys are gone as soon as you put the lamp on them... :blink:


Lots of light pallution along with some strange folk that dont like rabbiting about that place...its a jungle over their.... :icon_eek::laugh:



yer lol my aunty has a field lol what she has loads of bunnys on but she dont like any sort of hunting and she gets loads of people lamping her fields and it piss;s her right off in thurrock ..

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There is bundles of rabbits in Thurrock, get out and have a look.

yer iv got a few places in thurrock where iv got permission just wouldent mind some more if ya know what i mean lol


so you'vre gone about this the wrong way, you yourself could offer another member a trip out to your permission, in the hope of getting a return invitation by them to theirs, its all about friendship and trust, but saying you have a few places, yet want more, without putting yourself out, dos'ent come across very good

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