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Mine arrived today ........ I was not convinced they need to spend £750,000 of our hard earned cash!! Perhaps they should look at cutting expenditure within!!

Won't be getting another penny from me, I struggle to pay the membership as it is!

Suggest anyone annoyed/upset by this writes them a letter.

As Deker said above " We need to stand together and we need a strong voice but there is serious, and mick take!!!"

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There is another organisation that speaks for all country sports,and they dont send begging letters. :whistling:

SACS :thumbs:



how much do they charge for full membership ?

£22 pound mate first year



NGO, Nobs, CA, NRA, CPSA and uncle Tom Cobly and all...if we had ONE organisation to represent us it would be cheaper for everyone, more effective, more powerful and the Government would listen...the American NRA is VERY powerful in government terms.......Hey Ho...just dreaming again!!! :thumbs:

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If they stopped having frequent hospitality sessions at the back of their tents for the toffs at gamefairs, spending massive amounts on non essential promotional litrature, giving vastly inflated salaries to a surplus of employees, they would'nt have too ask ordinary members for 40 quid, where does all their money end up, if they have to go cap in hand and beg??


If SAC's ever tried pulled a stunt like this I'd be kicking up feck!!!! :censored:




spot on tom they are getting a bit above themselves and are giving the sport a bad press at the shows by doing all this hospitality thing.as soon as my ca membership is up for renewal i'll be in touch mate.regards LW

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The National Riflemans Association (NRA) in America, is predominantly a pro-firearms organisation active in lobbying Federal and State Governments, and not involved in securing the status quo of other fieldsports, despite this! many of its members, fish work dogs, are invoved in falconry, Most hunters in America use and are allowed to bear arms as prescribed in the American Constitution!! Every American citizen has the right to bear arms unless there's a legal impediment or the choice not to



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That's very true Tom. They have more members than the political parties.


They were recently instrumental in having a handgun ban, in Washington DC, overturned as they successfully went to the highest courts and declared it 'un-constitutional.'


Can you imagine that here?


A unified voice is what we need but why is it when anyone tries to, in the UK, they're vilified and slandered left right and centre? :unsure:

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I didnt renew mine because i thought that the 10% increase every year from now on was a cheek we were told this at the wildfowlers association general meeting by dr sneddon himself we asked why it was that members did not get any discount at basc game fairs he said it was too hard to police mm membership card :blink: any way i got a text message on my phone saying urgent your membership is overdue cheeky buggers :o

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LIke a few large organisations..they care little about the individual....and more about large spending sprees...


when i was in Chambord a while ago at the \french gamefair the CA had a stand there. Don't ask me why they had to be over in france!!. Anyway, i sidled over with my mate and we dined on punnets of cherrys, and plenty of red wine. all free of course. a total waste of funds by the fat pigs that have their noses well in the trough. I since cancelled my CA membership. Its a joke. From start to finish...a big f5ck off joke!

we would have been gbetter giving the millions straight to the labour party..... :(;)

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