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Very Angry


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Surely it's a chance we all take when we release a predator into the wild...if my ferrets went off course and attacked someones hens I would not expect to see them alive again if they were caught red handed.

Likewise if a stray dog or even a straying bird of prey attacked my ferrets I'm afraid I would save them from death or injury first and ask questions later.

A real shame,either way but a risk we all take.

Edited by mooster
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Well listen to this!


Got a phone call from my dad and mum back home in Northern Ireland last week. Was sitting here talking away to my mum "oh so have you been watching eastenders lately" the normal shit we talk about :) but anyway so mum says "ok love your dad wants to talk to you about birds" so my dad comes on, oh listen to this!!


My dad had took my female harris hawk out last sunday, he had been in the car flying her out the car with his friend and my nephew, so there driving along and my dad sees a crow to the left off him and the bird so getting up close and off she went but the crow flys off she starts to follow so my dad see her and follows on two feilds then all off a sudden she swopes down into this pen full off geese she lands on the bank off one so my dads a distance away but can see her so he is slowing but surley getting closer and closer when he sees this man opening the pen with a long pole he runs up to the bird and starts hitting her around the back the next thing my dads behind the man and breezer is out cold on her back on the ground my dad starts screaming and shouting at him holding back his fists all my dad wanted to do was get the bird and get her home and safe look over her to make sure everything thing was ok. He got her home and didnt fly her for a good few days. my dad rang a few days after to let me know that she was ok.


Now when my dad told me this i was so angry one for not being there to make sure she was ok two to give the fella a peice off my mind. I couldnt believe it when i got off the phone, hearing something like that, it gets to you,you bond with birds they let you into there lifes and you let them into yours its a trust thing and you both get a bond with each other, breeezer is such a kind a gentle bird, and to hear that some man was hitting her with a pole so hard to knock her out it made me SO angry, ok i can see it from the fella's point off few some wild bird flying in grapping his, but come on take about going over the flipping top!!


Sorry i should of added up top, i moved over to england while my bird was in moult so i left her in Northern ireland until she was finished so my dad is flying her for me, until i get over after x-mas to hopefully get her over here in england.


Thats terrible you are best flying on land were you have permission well away from on lookers.

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