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ACD x pups

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As the other half is asleep on the sofa yes i will be keeping one myself,have to don't i really,it's only right and be a fool not to,etc,etc, you get my drift :whistling::thumbs: .We have lost 2 pups they went on the second day but the others are doing well and will sort some pics out really soon.This is the greyhound x litter,the others are due in a little over a week."These are the feckers markie(banned name layer of building blocks ) ;) should have started his lines with",thats about what O( also banned name lost in a field some where), might have said about this thread Smashy. :laugh:

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were is ooty has he been banned??? phil loyd is a twat!!

think he has mate,but his easy to contact,also think he quite liked p loydd.he had a good long term working experiance of cattle dog lurchers and shaired a few of his experiances with oots and it maybe wise to concider that mr loyd is a mod on here

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