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first of all good luck to all ferreters alike it was only our 8th or 9th time out only did a couple of sets but it looked as if someone had been there before us when they shouldn't have :realmad: :realmad:


not a bad day i was impressed with one of this years young ferrets and my mates border pup at 10 months did well

only managed five but its another learning curve for us all


anyone who has any advice or needs any (well i wouldn't advise asking me but if i know i'll tell ya :D ) just drop a post


sounds a cliche for this site now but keep the comments friendly please people



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bad luck mate, you should tell the land owner or game keeper if there is one, and say peopel are poaching your land, what you going to do??:)

had this kid on some of my PRIME land right, and well yeah i know him and see him around and he does go on with out premission and he has been going on my land and a mates land for a while, one day i was out early start at 7am, and i saw him an houor later hopping the fence as soon as he started laying his nets down, i pulled the ferret out and walk over to him, and said (and im going to quote me and him) " hey, any luck?" he replys" no ive just started here" i say" you know flinny (the land owner) ?"

he says, "no i dont" i say " oh ok, well you might want to f@#k off then before he finds out your here."

he says "WHAT?" then i say "get the F@*k off now, flinny is paying me for this and doesnt need shit heads like you digging up the place and leaviung guts lying around every were, cutting fences , now f&*k off now and get your own land and dont let me see you on here again or it wil get viloent!"

he picks his nets up and goes away.


it may sound harsh but he was leaving his holes unfilled back in , guts every were cutting holes in fences so it would be easyer to get through and was taking some of my rabbits. Now evan me doing that for just osme rabbits yadi yadia thatr is all my ferrets live on and i cant feed my ferrets rabbit if i dont have any to feed them so it is a matter of suvival..


good luck :victory:

p.s he doesnt come near that property now :D

Edited by victor
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