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A good day

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I went ferreting on some of my new permission with 3 of my mates and curly off here today. We had about 6 ferrets between us and 3 dogs (2x 1/4grey 1/4 wippet 1/4 beddy, 1/2 beddy 1/2grey. I think but curly correct me if Im wrong...) Anyway, We set off with all the kit to our first mark, It was nice weather at this point and we netted up what we could and positioned the dogs ready for a run. We got 3 nice bolters on this into the nets then we moved on... we missed one rabbit on the first set and it ran into a nice little bank, we put in 1 of karls ferrets but it must have slipped away while we werent looking as it didnt bolt anything. we ferreted a couple more banks attempting to give the dogs a run, but there wasnt much at home. It was, by then starting to rain a little bit but we carried on regardless :D did a few more hedges etc which in all, produced another 3 in the pot. We decided to cross over the road and to a little bit up that way and ferreted a few more sets producing another 2, 1 netted + 1 got by karls very nice young bitch. So by the end of the day it was pissing it down and we were all frozen so we decided to pack up and head off. It was soo cold we couldnt even gut the rabbits in the field! all in all a good day and a nice run out for a couple of me and karls young ferrets and carls 2 young bitch and older beddy greyhound.

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Yes. It was a good day although the weather werent too good later on. I still havent gutted those rabbits but they will keep till the morning... The dogs had a good time I think and you will have to come out on the lamp at some point.

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Yes. It was a good day although the weather werent too good later on. I still havent gutted those rabbits but they will keep till the morning... The dogs had a good time I think and you will have to come out on the lamp at some point.


Tut Tut, Will, paunch them before you get home, badgers and foxes love a Moorland roadside snack! Cheers, D.

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Yes. It was a good day although the weather werent too good later on. I still havent gutted those rabbits but they will keep till the morning... The dogs had a good time I think and you will have to come out on the lamp at some point.


Tut Tut, Will, paunch them before you get home, badgers and foxes love a Moorland roadside snack! Cheers, D.

But the weather was sooooo bad we just couldnt be arsed lmao. I could barely feel my fingers anyway, let alone gut a rabbit. And they will keep as they are only ferret food

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do you have much permission on the moor dyktos? you should come out one day...

I used to do a fair bit up around Colliford, i make the odd visit to Temple now and then with the ferrets and usually get good results. But i would have to say that my most enjoyable days on that particular moor are spent just trecking for miles with the full pack of lurchers and a flask of soup, its been my tradition for the last few years to spend christmas day on that moor with only my hounds for company. :good:

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Nice one big bulls, we were just below alex tor, lovely permission and curly says would make fab lamping ground. the poor fella is over run with rabbits and TBH noone really ferrets that except me and a few of my mates. So i wont give out exact location as i dont want my permission nicked :haha: lmao

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