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update from one out of my litter

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This is one of the pups out of one of my litters, they are bull greyhound lab. This pup was bought from me after a hunting aquantence saw the dam and sire working one day. He is happy with the pups progress and says she is the easiest pup he has ever bought with regards to recall, house training, basic obidience etc.

danni is now nearly 5 months old.



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my look on it is that cross would quit before a bull x on avarage , each dog will be diffrent but u would increase the odds of jackers adding lab into the mix have never worked a x of that type so im not in a good positin to comment , if its brains ye want ye wont go far wrong with adding collie into the mix also i think the bull xs are fine the way thy are...



cracking pup

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I'm in no way an experienced dog man, but think the pup looks real good, not as heavy as i would have thought, and looks like it'll turn out to be pretty useful. Are all the pups turning out like the one above, or are some heavier built?

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Pups to make about 24/25" judging by the size of them already!

The lab blood introduces stamina with out losing the instinct to hunt so dont believe they will 'jack' any sooner than a bull x.

Too many paople think of a lab as a big lump of a dog, lolopping around like a walrus, this is not the case with a well bred working lab, they are more agile and have bags of stamina too than most people think.

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So it's half Lab, 1/4 Bull, 1/4 Grey? Did you get some racy/non-racy types from the litter? great looking and nice strong puppy and sounds like it's picked up some of the labs need to please, should certainly help training!

Good luck with them LnL





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Pups to make about 24/25" judging by the size of them already!

The lab blood introduces stamina with out losing the instinct to hunt so dont believe they will 'jack' any sooner than a bull x.

Too many paople think of a lab as a big lump of a dog, lolopping around like a walrus, this is not the case with a well bred working lab, they are more agile and have bags of stamina too than most people think.



not knocking what u did or what u work each to there own but four what id want them four lab blood would do no good


again nice pup happy hunting :thumbs:

Edited by hang & bang
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a lab does not have the same instinct as a bull.infact its compoletely difrent. labs are not breed to pitch into game which in realty is the reason for having a abull cross over most other crosses.


alos what will you be doing with your pups that requires the stamina that a lab possess over the entirely diffrent type of stamina that a bull xhas?


the bit im confused with is how someone can pick a pup from a litter that he has seen the parent working from (and im not saying there not good at what they do) when what they are breed to do are two VERY diffrent things.


im sure you have produced a very didable, loyal litter of pups, but in terms of working ability i cant imagen thed be anything more than average at either crosses origanl perpuse.

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