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SS aint lost it!!

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Nice one SS, i find it so hard to get anything done at the minute time wise, and if i do have a bit of time then the weather kicks in and :angry: puts the hat on it altogether..........I MUST TRY HARDER.........I MUST TRY HARDER. :blink:

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Only a small farm this, about 30 acres or so, but it gives the impression of being a 30 acre glade in a forest, surrounded on all sides by trees.


I had planned to sit in the car looking over all these fields and call and shoot from there, but when I arrived, I pulled in through the gate and went to drive down to the gate which enters the field. NO Fecking way I was driving through Mud 6 inches deep!!!!


So I parked up on the "driest" spot (which is hard to come by here at the moment) and walked it instead.


Now this lane to the fields is full of mud and puddles, which is better to walk on mud or puddles if you want to be quiet? :laugh:


Anyway, off I squelched!


Sounds familiar SS :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Well done! You managed to find him this time then ;)

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