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Any dog training experts out there!!!

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As some of you may know my collie x picked up an injury a few nights ago and is going to be out of action for a couple of months, in the mean time I have a competion to run which im entering my bull greyhound, this bitch has only seen a couple of rabbits and when she caught them she killed them and stood over them and waited for me!!


Seen as im going to be doing a fair bit of rabbiting with her I'd like to get her retrieving?? I've owned her since she was 18months old and shes now just over 2, with my collie x I practiced retrieves with balls and other objects and his retrieving is good but not perfect!!!! but this bitch is not interested in anything except for food, when I throw objects for her she just looks at me like Im daft and wags her tail!!!! lol


One way I think I can crack it is with rewarding her with tit bits, because as soon as she hears her food bowl going she practically does back flips in her run an then woofs the food down in a flash!!!!!! But its just getting her to pick the object up in the first place?????


Any help or numbers for dog trainers in my area will be greatly appreciated!!!! :thumbs:



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As some of you may know my collie x picked up an injury a few nights ago and is going to be out of action for a couple of months, in the mean time I have a competion to run which im entering my bull greyhound, this bitch has only seen a couple of rabbits and when she caught them she killed them and stood over them and waited for me!!


Seen as im going to be doing a fair bit of rabbiting with her I'd like to get her retrieving?? I've owned her since she was 18months old and shes now just over 2, with my collie x I practiced retrieves with balls and other objects and his retrieving is good but not perfect!!!! but this bitch is not interested in anything except for food, when I throw objects for her she just looks at me like Im daft and wags her tail!!!! lol


One way I think I can crack it is with rewarding her with tit bits, because as soon as she hears her food bowl going she practically does back flips in her run an then woofs the food down in a flash!!!!!! But its just getting her to pick the object up in the first place?????


Any help or numbers for dog trainers in my area will be greatly appreciated!!!! :thumbs:




wrap a rabbit skin round one of those retrieve dummies, tie a long piece of rope (not too thick rope) to it, throw it, not far to start with, when/if she picks it up gently pull it back to you, avoid a tug of war if possible! reward her with a tit bit when she gets to you, do it 2/3 times only and repeat it a couple of times a day, if you do it to much she will get bored and it will be a waste of time. gradually increase the distance each day. only pull the rope if she moves away, slacken it when she moves toward you. Sometimes it helps if you can find an alley (long straight enclosed area) so she has to go either toward or away from you, she cant run round you. When rewarding, dont go over the top a simple 'good girl' and one titbit should surfice.

good luck with it.

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As some of you may know my collie x picked up an injury a few nights ago and is going to be out of action for a couple of months, in the mean time I have a competion to run which im entering my bull greyhound, this bitch has only seen a couple of rabbits and when she caught them she killed them and stood over them and waited for me!!


Seen as im going to be doing a fair bit of rabbiting with her I'd like to get her retrieving?? I've owned her since she was 18months old and shes now just over 2, with my collie x I practiced retrieves with balls and other objects and his retrieving is good but not perfect!!!! but this bitch is not interested in anything except for food, when I throw objects for her she just looks at me like Im daft and wags her tail!!!! lol


One way I think I can crack it is with rewarding her with tit bits, because as soon as she hears her food bowl going she practically does back flips in her run an then woofs the food down in a flash!!!!!! But its just getting her to pick the object up in the first place?????


Any help or numbers for dog trainers in my area will be greatly appreciated!!!! :thumbs:





Hi try putting the dummy in the dogs mouth, hold its jaws shut and keep repeating "hold it" until it stands holding the dummy, reward, then try carrying it the same way, always use "hold it" or "hold", then progress to short retrieves, and reward. good luck.

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