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Scope mounte lightforce striker

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Hi. I recently bought a scope-mounted sl170 lamp for foxing! I have it mounted on a bushnell dawn and dusk 6-18X50 scope, and the rifle is a ruger m77 in .220 swift with a t8 moderator with one of those camoflage cover on it! When i look through the scope all i can see is yellow light and cant make out the field in front of me no matter how much i adjust the lamp. John Galway said there is light reflecting back into the scope probably off the moderator! |Has anyone had similar problems??!! any suggestions or advice would be a big help

Thanks, Tiesto

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i had the same with my .22 cz , i just put a neoprene moderator cover on, does the job and helps protect gun as well.

Seconded, works well. Odd that some scopes suffer this and others don't though...

I have a cover on it. perhaps the cammo psttern is a little bright in colour, will try off-setting the lamp like ILDTB said and hopefully it will do the trick. thanks lads

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The trouble with offsetting such a large and heavy lamp is that it will unbalance the rifle, making you constantly twist your grip trying to hold the gun straight.

Aren't the camo covers neoprene anyway? just turn it inside out or even easier just take it off when lamping!




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i had the exact same problem with my 22-250 . the way i got round it was by fitting the sunshade to the front of my scope and fitted the flip up butler creek cover. after that everything was perfect. or the cheapest option is to put a piece of insulating tape over the bottom of your scopes front lens. to find out if the second option will work go out and look through your scope with your lamp on and put your hand over the front lens and slowly move your hand down uncovering more and more of your lens then you can judge how much tape you will need, i hope this makes sense.


this pic is what i mean about the scope shade and the flip up covers. i only used the mod cover once then it got binned, it didnt make any difference.


Edited by weejohn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey i got it sorted i offset the lamp and after a lot of arsing i finally could see the area 150 yards in front of me perfectly through the scope! it was lucky i had difficulty with lamp because when removed the neoprone cover i found a good bit of rust had formed on the moderator, So the covers getting the bin and the mod got a half can of wd-40! :cry::cry: thanks for all the help, im finally set uo for a weekend of foxing thanks!!!

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I had the same problem. Two very small strips of insulating tape on the bottom of the lamp filter sorted it and didn't upset the balance of the rifle.


I noticed it the first time I went out at night so I just thought I'd take the mod off for the evening. It was the first time I had ever fired it (or any rifle actually) without a mod on - nearly cr*pped myself. Put it back on having frightened all the wildlife in the county away and went home to find the tape!

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