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American and japanese akitas

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Just to clear things up American Akitas were bred purely for SHOW in America, the Japenese Akita, is closer to the real hunting dogs of yester year.


I guess you could say that, since the American Akita has only been a breed in its own right for the last 2 or 3 years. Although they are commonly used as guard dogs and often for fighting in america (a disgusting sport i think). I have also heard of them used in sledding (doubt i spelt that right but hey....). MIne dont have any use other than to hog the sofa and leave fluff everywhere when they blow their coat. We dont show often anymore because of all the crooked judges. I had to witness a very distressed and upset Jenny Killilea in one show, a certain group of ar*eholes chose to boo her for winning! It was a well deserved win, but they had to ruin the whole day with their bad sportsmanship.

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They are nice dogs, definitely not for everyone, but one of the reasons they have a reserved temperment that not everyone likes I think is because the Japanese bred them years ago. It's a completly different culture, and they would probably have thought a Golden Retriever for instance is an awful, goofy dog with no manners and no mind of its own!

German and Belgian dogs are tough, which reflects the countries. Look at the culture to understand the dog.

Edited by Back Stabbath
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Reload, have you looked at our website? Take a look and let me know what you think. The link is here somewhere.



Had a look, nice looking dogs..

I have seen too many Akitas to get excited about them any more TBH, Hare you seen many european dogs in the flesh, or American dogs, as you wont see as much Redwitch there, which is a good thing in my book..


All the lovely history TBH has very very little to do with Japenese Akitas, the American are a totally different beast

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Reload, have you looked at our website? Take a look and let me know what you think. The link is here somewhere.



Had a look, nice looking dogs..

I have seen too many Akitas to get excited about them any more TBH, Hare you seen many european dogs in the flesh, or American dogs, as you wont see as much Redwitch there, which is a good thing in my book..


All the lovely history TBH has very very little to do with Japenese Akitas, the American are a totally different beast


Actually the history was written about the japanese breed, Ive had 20 years of Akita both japanese and american and also Tweeny

. Its funny you should say there isnt as many redwitch in america and europe, I have seen hundreds of Akita's in america, in the flesh, about a month ago to be exact when i attended the nationals, and there is A LOT of Redwitch there, The top winner in the states is a Redwitch Bitch. Most of the wins at the nationals were taken by redwitch or rossimon. My father was handling alongside our good friend rusty. The American showers are crying out for Redwitch blood as they are as close to the breed standard that you can get, but the redwitch kennels have high morals, so not everyone is allowed to use their dog.


And black Stabbath, i must say, never have i heard a truer word spoken.

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As I said the "Akita" was bred for showing alone, the colours were the main reason along with others, the Japanes didnt want their native breed associated with them, hence the name change. I love the true Japanese Akita Inu. I remember seeing the import "Tamarlanes Veni Vidi Vici" black and white from memory, striking animal but wrong really as far as native dogs go and thats what the US have a lot to answer for, they alway exaggerate colours and conformation.


As for Redwich, I think a huge majority have it in them!

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