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American and japanese akitas

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I know this has nothing to do with lurchers but i was asked a question and have posted this in answer. Hope it helps.


This first picture is of one of my American Akita's, He's a rather big boy, with big bone and good structure, has a heavier coat.



The second is a Japanese Akita. It is small and finer boned. But still a nice dog in its own right. The ear set is also slightly different as are the marking, americans commonly have a black mask where japanesehave eurgiro makings (they have one colour on top and look a different, mainly white colour from below)



Edited by WelshVixen
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I know this has nothing to do with lurchers but i was asked a question and have posted this in answer. Hope it helps.


This first picture is of one of my American Akita's, He's a rather big boy, with big bone and good structure, has a heavier coat.



The second is a Japanese Akita. It is small and finer boned. But still a nice dog in its own right. The ear set is also slightly different as are the marking, americans commonly have a black mask where japanesehave eurgiro makings (they have one colour on top and look a different, mainly white colour from below)


nice dogs in ay ;)

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Thanks for informing me :victory: Can I ask are the temperaments similar, I have trained a few Japanese Akitas and found them a little stubborn, aloof and how can I put this politely...........grumpy sods :laugh:


I have found that japanese can be a little temperamental, but thats more down to breeding bad lines than the traits of the breed itself. All Akitas are stubborn and aloof. Their a very independant and dominant breed. Their not your typical throw the ball and play fetch kinda dogs, sure they'll play for 3 or 4 throws, then they figure you cant really want it that much if you keep throwing it. They are hard animals to train, and do tend to be very grumpy when made to do something they dont want to, this generally comes from their dominance. To put it blunty, they can be right gits!!! As for long haired, yeah their out there, its seen as a fault in the show ring (yes i know sad as i am going to all these poncy kc shows). I do think though, they are stunning creatures. The longcoat picture is of a japanese type (not being stereotypical but they do have slantier eyes!) this pic shows the difference in size between long coats and short.


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Do you exhibit them?

I do, not so often these days though, too many people buying their prizes these days, crooked judges and all that. Kennel club are trying to deal with it at the moment, once they sort out all the ringside saddo's it might be fun again. We generally check to see who is judging first and if their a fair judge then we enter. Dont mind being put last if its deserved, just isnt fair when its because the judge doesnt like you or has been paid off.

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Do you exhibit them?

I do, not so often these days though, too many people buying their prizes these days, crooked judges and all that. Kennel club are trying to deal with it at the moment, once they sort out all the ringside saddo's it might be fun again. We generally check to see who is judging first and if their a fair judge then we enter. Dont mind being put last if its deserved, just isnt fair when its because the judge doesnt like you or has been paid off.


here are a few more of our dogs if your interested.



sadly we lost Kato on the 13th of this month, but he was 15 so cant really say he didnt have a long life.

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Thanks for the info, I'm asking as I'm a kennel club judge specialising in Akitas..................... :laugh::laugh: Only joking :laugh:


LOL. Do you like the breed then?


I'm interested in various breeds but there not my "thing", no offence intended though ;) Just wanted to learn some more info on them.

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Thanks for the info, I'm asking as I'm a kennel club judge specialising in Akitas..................... :laugh::laugh: Only joking :laugh:


LOL. Do you like the breed then?


I'm interested in various breeds but there not my "thing", no offence intended though ;) Just wanted to learn some more info on them.


none taken, their not everyones cup of tea. They dont really have much use other than to look at. But ive grown up with them so i cant help but love them.

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