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Hares have been pairing up since January and anyone who caries on coursing after March isn't giving the hares a chance. I was on some land last saturday and the hares were really poor, its best to leave them alone now mate !!!!!! You will hear plenty of lads at the shows bragging about how they've been out 'this morning' and killed so many, but they're only killing there own sport !!!


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Cheers guys,


I was out a couple of weeks back and noticed a few hares running about daft and remembered reading something about hares having mad breeding habbits. I presumed that would meen the season is over and i would rather see extra hares next season than try and get one now and end up killing a pregnant female.


Ah wel, there's always next year!


On the plus side, i have now found a few areas that i know contain hares a short distance from my house. I've been mostly into rabbiting and only gave my lurher her first run on hares at x-mas time. However, she damaged one of her toes on newyears day and had to have it removed. She is back to normal now but i missed the whole of january as she had to be rested for a couple of weeks after having it removed.


It's really quite bad. I was travelling nearly 30 miles for a course when there are hares a couple of miles from me. Still, we live and learn.


Can't wait till next year. Hopefully she will get her first hare.

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This time of years always great for finding land that holds hares, as they will be moving around all day !!!!

Was travelling down the motorway not half an hour's travel from my house the other day and spotted four hares all in a small horse paddock type field, great stuff !!!!


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Guest midnight_runner
When should you stop coursing hares? I presume they start to breed round about now and i was wondering if it's to late to course them ( don't want to be unsporting )




i stop febuary give them a chance to pair up. and get the fishing gear ready for the trout season :yes::yes:

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