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I took my 9 & half week old pup round my mates to help him do some stuff in his garden, she was fine all day but couple of hours ago started biting her feet & scratching them on floor non stop! have tried washing with warm water in bath! is there anythingi can put on them? there was quite alot of stingers & thistle there, she was also diggin in mud for abit. what ever it is I have it on tip of my finger aswell, its buzzing,only mark is little dark dot.

hope some one can help?

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Now then mate i've a terrier that have since i've had from a pup alls ways gets real bad stung paws from nettles i no how feel when they start scratching like crazy!! I've tried loads of stuff but the best thing i've come across is to pick a few Doc leaves whilst your out then when u get back put them in some warm water with a little salt and bath the pads in the mix.


Hopefully your pups pads will harden up unfortuately even though mine is better in the spring with teh early nettle shoots he still gets bad with it but try this method hopefully it'll work..

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Guest ferret feller

is it a first cross mate?

darrens is a first cross took her out last night and she did us proad boy!

had 1 rabbit and a run on old charlie boy :victory:

its 18 months now and coming on a treat

the rabbits we ran her on had rockets up there arses over feild in blink of one eye.

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I took my 9 & half week old pup round my mates to help him do some stuff in his garden, she was fine all day but couple of hours ago started biting her feet & scratching them on floor non stop! have tried washing with warm water in bath! is there anythingi can put on them? there was quite alot of stingers & thistle there, she was also diggin in mud for abit. what ever it is I have it on tip of my finger aswell, its buzzing,only mark is little dark dot.

hope some one can help?

try rubbing suda creme on them worked for me

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One of mine suffers really badly as well, after one night lamping he came home screaming and would not sit still, i got a hot towel and kept it over his feet until he stopped crying.


Soaking pads in salt water, is a good way to harden the pads, but I would not do it to a pup too young.

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Guest smashygadge

well if i remember rightly .when i first got a pup

i went threw the same but given time the dog will build up its own defence .

its in a dogs genes to fight against the infection a sting causes from a nettle

and with age a few months of genral road walking it will be fine ;)

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Our oldest flatcoat has always had a problem with her feet. When picking up or competing in a working test, she is always uncomfortable on thistle or nettle covered ground. We bathe her feet in salt water afterwards and give half a anti-histamine tablet like piriton. Some dogs don't react well to anti-histamines so see how they go. The Sudocrem recommended by other posters is very soothing, but needs applying when they are about to bed down for best results.

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