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got a young terrier bitch here having a phantom,shes off her food,restless, this is the first time ive had this with a bitch although ive been into terriers for 25 yrs ,anyone been through this,how long it lasts,tips ,etc,

ps ive had her to the vets


diggory :hmm:

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Hi mate had the same years ago with a springer I had.

She had a couple of phantoms.

Wasnt going to have pups from her so should have had her 'done'

Finished up having an emergency op for a pyometra ( check www.penstone-vets.co.uk/pyometra )

If you dont intend of having pups get her spayed wish I had!

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Guest smashygadge

the dog will go threw the full cycle

nesting the works and then the milking etc.

but i beleive if a dog has 1 it will have them everyseason

unless bred i may be wrong but as the man said

other option is having spayed ;) good luck

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We've had one just recently had a phantom. We usually just leave them to run their course, but this particular bitch was really knocked about by it. Off her food big time, starting to look thin from it. Had her to the vets, got some 'Galastop' to dry up the milk, and asked for a shot of B12 to get her apetite going. Within hours of the B12 she was eating like a pig, feeling much better in herself, and with a couple of days of using the Galastop her milk had nearly dried up.


We fell out with Galastop a few years ago as it seemed to knock one of our old bitches out and she seemed to go worse for taking it. Hasn't had that effect on Imbra though.


Did the vet give you anything?



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thanks for the replies

the vet asked me to bring her back the end of the week if she was still the same,last night and today her appitites returned and her milk has dried up,ile keep an eye on her but hopefully she will be ok



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Guest bitsa lurcher
  smashygadge said:
the dog will go threw the full cycle

nesting the works and then the milking etc.

but i beleive if a dog has 1 it will have them everyseason

unless bred i may be wrong but as the man said

other option is having spayed ;) good luck


good post smashygadge .......... i have an ebt x sbt , she is about 5 years old now , she has expierienced this phantom pregnancy when she about 3 the following season i payed for a staffy stud and the pregnancy was successfull as far as she gave birth to 2 pups a dog and a bitch the dog was still born and the bitch was very small and runty , she died a week after birth . i had no intention of trying to breed her again and had settled meself to getting her spayed but she came into season ... the next thing was an accidental mating with my old bull x lurcher he is a 3/4 grey 1/4 bull . i was going to get her jabbed and abort the mating and get her spayed but decided on letting the pregnancy go ahead . she went full term and even plumped up .... on the day she was due she went through the whole giving birth scenario without passing any pups .... another phantom .... the thing i've noticed since this last phantom episod is the bitch has become some what unpredictable with the tendancy to be a bit snappy now and again ....... diggory if the above that i've typed is of any use to you good luck mate .....personally i'm going to get my bitch spayed ....ooh i nearly forgot the other problem that has arisen is a hormone imbalance so she now has to take a pill once a day ...........good luck mate ;)

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