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Sidney's on the mend

Guest Magwitch

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Guest Magwitch

Checking me livestock the other week I noticed one of me pugs didn't come out the nest box to greet me, so I opened it up and young Sidney were lying there not in a good way at all. When I picked him up it was clear that he had dropped a lot of weight and was very lethargic. I separated him from the other hob and two jills he was boarding with and after a week of feeding him up he's back to normal. He's a very good animal and as bolted many rabbits in his short career and is of sound character too.



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I had a similar thing happen to one of my hobs magwitch, he was lethargic the same, and totally out of character, I kept an eye on him for a few days, and did similar to yourself and he picked up.... Hes a cracker of a hob , I'd be lost without him... Glad Sid pulled round :thumbs:

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Its a shite to loose a goodun..........lost one to an unfortunate incident this year and it was a pain in the arse........an animal you could work with confidence.

Lucky it has come right for you matey.

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One of my younguns from this year got a bug of some sort, terrible squits, and weight loss. A bit special feeding gave him his strength and appetite back (he got all the livers and some tinned dog food) and he's rolling again! Glad to hear Sids back on the prowl! ;)

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