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tick magnet

Guest ladydogtrainer

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Guest ladydogtrainer

hey,would just like to ask a little advice.my lab of 4years has never had a problem with ticks,hes never had one and is always treated twice a year for fleas n ticks.but untill recently he has become a tick magnet,i remove them correctly making sure the head has been removed.

i always clean the area well afterwards,but always a week or so after he has reaction and the area becomes red n inflamed,

hes got more spots than a leapord recently.any ideas what to put on the areas to stop a reaction.

any advice would be appreciated


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aloe vera may be good or just simple saltwater as you say you need to remove them properly so their mouth parts dont remain under the skin, that can cause inflammation. My horse had a real problem with them whilst grazing the common by my house, there are no specific treatments for them on horses, the vet advised frontline spray, spray a small amount directly onto the tick it dies and falls off.

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hey,would just like to ask a little advice.my lab of 4years has never had a problem with ticks,hes never had one and is always treated twice a year for fleas n ticks.but untill recently he has become a tick magnet,i remove them correctly making sure the head has been removed.

i always clean the area well afterwards,but always a week or so after he has reaction and the area becomes red n inflamed,

hes got more spots than a leapord recently.any ideas what to put on the areas to stop a reaction.

any advice would be appreciated




it sounds like your not getting all of the head out?


are you sure the red rash isnt related to something else?

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Guest ladydogtrainer
get some benzo mix it 50/50 with warm water and spray it all over the dog rub it in that should cure your tick problem and anything else

im a little unsure what benzo is,and where would i get it from?????

would this act as a reppelant to the ticks then???? thanxs

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benzo benzocoate you can get it from the chemists it s used for scabies and crabs if you have problems getting it pm me it repel everything ticks fleas mites etc


yes topper is right, he told me about this stuff and it works better than frontline for 1/8 the cost.

I used to have problems with fleas and ticks and had tried everything. then i started giving them a bath with this stuff once every 6 weeks and not had a problem since. I wet them down and then rub it on and let it dry. Use rubber gloves cause the smell of it stays on your hands for a while. makes the coat nice and shiny as well. topper thanks again for the tip.

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benzo benzocoate you can get it from the chemists it s used for scabies and crabs if you have problems getting it pm me it repel everything ticks fleas mites etc


yes topper is right, he told me about this stuff and it works better than frontline for 1/8 the cost.

I used to have problems with fleas and ticks and had tried everything. then i started giving them a bath with this stuff once every 6 weeks and not had a problem since. I wet them down and then rub it on and let it dry. Use rubber gloves cause the smell of it stays on your hands for a while. makes the coat nice and shiny as well. topper thanks again for the tip.



edited to say that ive since read about it in a briam plummer book where it was used over long periods of time to no ill effect.

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try www.otom.com. i use these no chemicals just a hook and they realy work won't prevent ticks but will remove them head/mouth parts come out with body. cost approx £4 got mine from vets very handy to carry when out in the field .

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Get a pk of the little green tick pullers from pet shop or vet. They look like they wont work but are brill. My labx gets them specially when we go up Scotland & she's running bout thru deer land.


I normally keep some 'Tick Off' drops handy as well. Mine are on frontline but will try the benzo stuff mysel as with 3 dogs now the frontline is expensive. The plastic tick hook works really quick & then usually put tcp/tea tree on it to stop any infection.

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