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no disrespect to you mate, but reading your old posts,


quote;as i hav a 6z 100 yard long net and i hav no poles i need some help if any off u have 10 spare poles i could hav that would be grate i will pay a small fee of £20 if needed as m 13


seems you already have a longnet, yet seems you want members to feel sorry for you and give you more :hmm:

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no disrespect to you mate, but reading your old posts,


quote;as i hav a 6z 100 yard long net and i hav no poles i need some help if any off u have 10 spare poles i could hav that would be grate i will pay a small fee of £20 if needed as m 13


seems you already have a longnet, yet seems you want members to feel sorry for you and give you more :hmm:



the longnet it far too big so i willl swap for weer ones

Edited by kx100
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I will take yours? I already have a 100 yard I am turning into a trad as I dont get on with it as a quickset lol. 50 quid mate and I will take it off you. But asking for poles is OK but a whole longnet, as I told you on MSN is a bit cheeky

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no disrespect to you mate, but reading your old posts,


quote;as i hav a 6z 100 yard long net and i hav no poles i need some help if any off u have 10 spare poles i could hav that would be grate i will pay a small fee of £20 if needed as m 13


seems you already have a longnet, yet seems you want members to feel sorry for you and give you more :hmm:



the longnet it far too big so i willl swap for weer ones


have you heard of scissors :hmm: cut it down,

but you never said that until I bought your post up, as will says, very out of order :no:

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I can say, he did mention to me that the net was too big a couple days back, but we all have to pay for stuff mate. I am 14 and own all my stuff, except a pair of end pins and a few poles and copied DVDs I pay for everything. You may manage to get stuff cheap, but free is different, and The only times Ive got stuff free, ive offered to pay first.

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you took the words out of my mouth, ive been paying for every thing for 3 years now, try for a job working as a kennel hand for racing grey hounds, usualy pays under the tabel and youll have some one to sell rabbit to.

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Hold you on fellas before you start yet another witch hunt here :o


Today (sunday 2 nov) i have been on the phone to this members mother, and yes they are only 13, and yes they do have a long net of 100yrds, all be it a tangled one but a net non the less. And this may surprise you THEY DO SAVE THERE POCKET MONEY AND BUY ALL THEIR OWN KIT THEMSELVES.


this call came about after a chat in this sites chat room were members that were in there on friday will recall i offered to help this member and his brother out with some kit via my internet shop The net loft. WHEN WILL YOU MEMBERS THAT ARE SO QUICK TO JUDGE, STOP AND THINK BEFORE BEING READY TO THROW ACUSASIONS AROUND?



Treat them as i have and who knows, they may actually be greatfull for what it is you have done for them.


regards a rather sick of all the hollier than thou attitudes


Molecatcher ;)

Edited by mole catcher
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