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Guest JohnGalway

Our sheepdog is scared stiff of them. As much as we can this time of the year we try to keep him at my sisters. This isn't always possible though. There is some stuff you can get from the vets to calm them down a little. It wouldn't be my first choice but others may not have the same choices.

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Bizare I know, but I have never had an issue with a dog and fireworks, allways make a point of taking the dogs out more at this time of year for walks........dont know, may have something to do with it.

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I was told to use that bach rescue remedy when i had my lurcher he was really bad if fire works were going off but to be honest it made no difference , he still craped himself when any went off , sadly some dogs seem extra sencitive to the racket

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Bizare I know, but I have never had an issue with a dog and fireworks, allways make a point of taking the dogs out more at this time of year for walks........dont know, may have something to do with it.



FAMILIARISATION with such things is a great step forwards Wilf,..but some poor feckers just cannot handle the things...


My Kelpie Lurcher used to go AWOL for several days if she got spooked,...

Strange thing was,.she worked with the shotgun, and often ran in the beating line on the local shoots,..but,.she just couldn't handle them screaming sky rockets :angry:


Problem today is,..November the fecking fifth,..means nowt,.and the numpties are firing the whizz-bangs off 'day and night'....

Honestly,...where is the kick in launching a rocket in broad daylight,... :blink::no:


I'm OK with my current crop of malingerers ,.noise doesn't bother them,..but I have been there in the past, and I truly envy anyone who doesn't have this worry :yes:


All the best,.CHALKWARREN...

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Guest JohnGalway
Strange thing was,.she worked with the shotgun, and often ran in the beating line on the local shoots,..but,.she just couldn't handle them screaming sky rockets :angry:


:yes: We were gathering sheep one day. There was an informal clay shoot just over the hill from the trailer, like 60 yards away or less. I was thinking feck it, there's the dog gone with those bangs. Nope, he didn't even blink. But let off a rocket... He's gone.

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My terrier gets scared of them too. She dosn't go mad, she will just shake and follow you around to every room, lol.


My Doberman on the other hand, dosn't even blink at fireworks for some reason!


A Springer Spaniel that out neighbour had a few years ago went freakin crazy with fireworks! I remember her going like a bloody rocket all around the estate, coming over our high back wall not even touching it! Felt sorry for her, but God it was funny!


I find that acting normal like nothing is going on can calm dogs down a bit. Turn up the TV/radio and don't comfort the dog (Might sound bad, but they worry if they see you worrying about them). With some dogs, this will NOT work and they're more likely to jump through the window if they are in the house! For those dogs you can get tranquilizers. I know of some people using them on a Labrador and he still ended up with a bleeding mouth and paws trying to get out of the garage (a thunderstorm set him off).

Its worth a try to get some tranquilizer pills if your dogs really worry.



Good luck!

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its that time of year when some of me terriers are scared as hell with those F**KING things fireworks that is, is ther any thing you give yours and [bANNED TEXT] , cheers lakeland :angry:


Okay so im not a professional or anything, just giving an option that i found works a treat. If you can get a crate/cage/sturdy box, cover it so the dog cannot see out, put this somewhere with a plug socket and plug in a radio or tv, turn on, not too loud but loud enough to drown out a little of the noise (avoid channels with fireworks on though, my mam did it once only to have some big firewrk display on the tv). Give them a little bachs rescue remedy as well, it does work. They feel a little more comforted when their in a small hidden space and if they cant hear the noise too clearly they cant make out what it is. I do this every year with my shiba inus as their terrrified (to the point where i think my geriatric one might have a heart attack) and they dont fret. I hate fireworks too, i think they should only be allowed in the big displays, then you wouldnt get annoying kids fireing them at eachother from octo ber to end of january.

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