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They did warn me about the lack of stop ends but you never know unless you try. My dog is a bayer but will mix & had marks to show he had been up close, I had hoped the quarry would chance a stop end. He would've stuck at it till either opponent had died of exhaustion doing laps around the earth, but luckily we caught him up so we could move on. Times like this when you need a harder dog. The next earth was ideal for a puppy but 'Greedy Greggy' used his own dog :D Still a good day out lads & much appreciated but you lads not half speak funny :laugh:

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PROUDY i personally prefer a bayer/mixer like billy is but had a similar dig a couple of years ago and my best dog couldnt bottle up the quarry due to no stop ends,ended up using a hard bitch i have and doug 6 foot to it quickly and did the job but the bitch did suffer but you cant blame the baying dog at all.

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