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Guest JohnGalway
yes bring him back,iam of to bed but mark has asked me to ask you have you got a list of people you want of this forum??????????if so was mark on it


I'll direct you to my answer regarding Mark and his suspension I posted above, twice :yes: and also to the PM/topic that every member on the site was made aware of.

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ok thats a yes from you well hope fully john you will substitute some of marks postwith good information,not bull shit on how to rp a foxes tail of ive said my bit and think you shouldnt be a mod on here your to 1 sided and its not on marks ive had my say hopefully i wont get banned but lke i say and think most people on this site will want you gone if this post stays up so see what happens,nite




As John has already pointed out, Mark has not been banned but he has been suspended, and it wasn't John that did it.


I think I can speak for quite a few members when I say that John is a very good moderator, and I doubt very much if 'most people' would want him to stand down.


When you speak of 'bull shit on how to rp a foxes tail' I presume you mean the thread where John asked for advice on the best way to remove and preserve a fox brush? What would you prefer? That we all posted about illegal activities and got the site closed down and Ian prosecuted?

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Guest JohnGalway

As for me being a moderator.


It's entirely up to Ian, he asked me, I accepted, he can fire me anytime he likes no hard feeling from me whatsoever.


Woe is me for I am doomed to repeat myself. I suddenly feel like Bill Murray :hmm:


I do not care what people think of me. I have the respect and love of them who matter most to me. My friends know me, I talk straight and I sleep well at night. I have never been one to follow the crowd, or be led like a sheep. I make my own decisions, whatever they bring.


If you need a figurehead Archie, or someone to lead you around and make your decisions for you, fair enough, it's your life live it as you see fit :yes:

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ok point taken but it took alot of pages for you to tell anyone on here??????????????are answer anyone no mod answered anyone,i asked mark before when he was talkin to nick at his kennel,he said he doesnt know why must be about miles and 1k and tell that millet and galloway there a pair of pricks,see he doesnt know but he made me laugh and he doesnt care as he knows its not a life problem and dont shoot the messenger


Hello Mark.


I don't know you but I know your style.


You made me laugh too, but not neccessarily for the reasons you think.

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ok thats a yes from you well hope fully john you will substitute some of marks postwith good information,not bull shit on how to rip a foxes tail of ive said my bit and think you shouldnt be a mod on here your to 1 sided and its not on marks ive had my say hopefully i wont get banned but like i say and think most people on this site will want you gone if this post stays up so see what happens,nitejohn ask people what they think of you you not even got the support of the other mods



to be fair john gallway is just about the best mod on hear,some of them aint worth a wank and i was tempted to introduce myself to one tit in perticular at the game fair.. THL is just a forum on the internet it means nothing in the real world.mate if you dont like the place dont come on,there's no point in making big statements and getting banned just dont sign in.its simple.i know a few very very good hunters and they couldnt turn a pc on never mind find THL..you dont need a forum to hunt.....

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Just back in from lamping, and I read 13 pages of dross.... Please do us all a favour and stop making this complete utter turd into some sort of god or martyr , I'll stand by the decision to ban/suspend markbrick , to tell you the truth the bloke was treading on thin ice anyway....


If anyone has a problem with this, or feel there lives have been seriously affected by this decision please pm markbrick on one of the other forums he will probably turn up on, you can be best friends there...he may even have a new username, maybe "The Pied Piper" would be appropriate..

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I've just read 13 pages of what must be one of the most pointless threads I have ever seen, and the last few pages of it have been pure argument just because you can.


John is a very good moderator, I speak from experience having moderated a lot of forums, and he'll have my backing whatever and that of the majority of members on here who can[/c] see the wood from the trees.


The Mods and Admin are a group on here and other forums which have so much more contact and communication than members ever know. They are not all on a personal vendetta, each and every mod can have their opinion away from the members.


I for one wont be letting this stuff bother me and as far as I'm concerned, and a lot more like me, John can stay as a moderator for as long as he wants to.



SS :thumbs:

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My god do people on here honestly think that this site will crumble with out mark ? He aint the be all and end all of things, im sure the site will do just fine with out him.


well said :clapper:

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I think there are a few people that need to crawl out of John galway`s arse


i dont know why wilf hates mark so much but he seems to have the mods on his side


mark is a top fella in my book and has my upmost repect for what he has done for brookie and his lad


mark is getting out there and doing his stuff, he has myrespect for that too


there are far too many idiots on here to ban before mark for this not to be personal


this place has been goin downhill for a while, there are some good people on here that i have enjoyed talking to and gained some useful info from, but i think its time i moved on from here and looked for somewhere more hunter friendly as this site has turned to shit, you cant post this you cant post that!

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My god do people on here honestly think that this site will crumble with out mark ? He aint the be all and end all of things, im sure the site will do just fine with out him.


Yes but it's not just the point of who it is it's why was he banned? i'm a member on a good few forums and although i'm new to hunting i can see that theres a click on here! It seems if your not in with the right people you don't have much hope?

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