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they are coming up with there pissy excuse,,soon they are going to issue a statement along the lines of if you don,t like it lump it.. and if they do i am lumping it as i don,t want to talk to kids and computer hunters we need real dog men on this site and honest talkers not jealous trouble makers...it is time to stand tall everyone in my books ..... :big_boss:

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i think this site will be worse off with out mark in my book hes a top bloke who works his dogs to the hilt and knows how to walk the walk . there is a certain element on here that seem forever wanting to take the piss and wind him up . and theres one thing he wont do is take a backward step as far as his dogs are concerned and why should he . he posts quality threads about his dogs and what they achieve in the field and why shouldnt he. he puts the proof up to go with it he always ready to invite people down to hunt with him he gives them the best of welcome and hospitality while they are there.

the help he gave over my lads dog no one could have done more even getting them in the end to admit to him the dog was stolen shows the mans qualities i think certain people on here should take a back ward step and stop letting jealousy get the better of them they might learn some thing then like asd says weve had our differences but true dog men recognise each other and respect each other and underhanded tricks dont come into it when mark rings me he always sings other peoples praises and respects them for thetre achievements in the field even if hes just had a blue with them 5 mins earlier . some times hes probably to straight and wont back down from a challenge . ive got a lot of very good friends around the country friends i respect and would always help out if the need arose markbrick is certainly one of those friends . a top class dogman and at the end of the day aint this site suppossed to be about dogmen

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i agree he should stay in comp but how can you win members comp if no longer a member.



I organised the comp mate, it just so happens it was started on this site so was called the huntinglife comp, but its not run by the site so he's in it as far as i'm concerned, besides i wanna be the one to knock him out the competition!!!!!!! lol

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