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when i fist got into this internet stuff i was told

by a mod that got me onto this site .which is no longer on this site that there was some very decent dog lads on

these sites alot of them have gone or left since then.

not blaming the mods either as i can imagine half of the crap they

have to put up with.

just hope i am not left with me and a load of antis on here as i am sure there are a

few on here now :drinks:

markbrick was out there doing it is that not what these site are for people like him.

this hunting crack i find is full of very opionated people its only the lads

that never get out and still try tell you whats what that i find it hard to understand.


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hang about you lot , what about me ?? ive been targeted for termination !!! i need some god damn lovin here


Stop trying to groom all the female members, I here your so desperate you would shag the hairs on a hairdressers floor :11:

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altough mark cant half wind people up at least he got out there and did it and was by no means afraid to show anyone his dogs.

to be honest if he has gone peoples take on this site will greatly alter as will myn and i would think the site wont be too far behind,,in my opinion if he has been banned its a piss take and a piss take on all decent lads on here who like to tell it how it is,you will be left with kids..


i would like a mod to explain why

if not i think its time i moved on to somewhere that is run by proper dogging lads,im not beholden to this site and for a while ive been thinking its going down hill..

il await an explination but kinda talen this to heart,its a joke if true


and i for one wont be moulded in my views by any internet site and certainly not told what i can or cannot say so il be going

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Someone must have his number to ring him and see what the score is?? lol :big_boss:



His version might be different, so need the mods to tell us whats happening......looks like something untoward as they're watching and not answering!!!!

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Guest bigredbusa
it's just not the females joe lol , how you set for tonight ?



i am on my own tonight brb :whistling:



i would do but ive been warned off from you , your a wrong un apparantly

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