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I've never been involved in AI'ing a dog but I have been involved with hundeds of artificial inseminations with horses and I can't think of any reason for this.


There are loads of old wives tales and stupid theories regarding AI but 99% of them are bull crap, so I would advise you to talk directly to someone has been involved directly with dog AI and not someone who has heard a load of old nonsense but never actually been involved.

Edited by pointer28
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bob the builder will do the male stuff


and iv tryd to line bitch for past 2 sesons with a dog she runs with and a other dog she doesnt mind the biff lickn of the dog but soon as he trys to mount her holy hel brakes loose and she muzzled but she not havn it screaming and all that soon as dog trys to get on her she lifts her tail and puts herself up but just wont allow dog on her

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bob the builder will do the male stuff


and iv tryd to line bitch for past 2 sesons with a dog she runs with and a other dog she doesnt mind the biff lickn of the dog but soon as he trys to mount her holy hel brakes loose and she muzzled but she not havn it screaming and all that soon as dog trys to get on her she lifts her tail and puts herself up but just wont allow dog on her



she's just a cock tease then :clapper:

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and iv tryd to line bitch for past 2 sesons with a dog she runs with and a other dog she doesnt mind the biff lickn of the dog but soon as he trys to mount her holy hel brakes loose and she muzzled but she not havn it screaming and all that soon as dog trys to get on her she lifts her tail and puts herself up but just wont allow dog on her



I see. And I assume you've tried her every day of her heat a few times? She has to be in her peak for her to accept him. Do you try to mate her on her territory or the dogs. It should always be on the dogs. You probably know all that and maybe it sounds stupid, but you never know.


You'll need a proper insemination kit.


Look around on the internet for good advice. Try leerburg.com.I don't know if they have any articles, I know they have kits for sale but I'd say you'd get cheaper ones somewhere else.



Good luck!

Edited by Back Stabbath
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take both dogs to neutral ground muzzle them both tie the bitches front legs to a gate post lift tail up let the dog have its way it wont be pleasant to witness but it works and its cheaper, easyer, and more sucsefull than one off shringe things.



thats what i have to do to oure lass to get a bit lol :angel:

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