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Hi all.

I have a slot on my ticket for a .223 now and want to get a Remington 700 sps.

Have any of you had any experience with any of these?

If so please could you give me some feedback on the best variant in this range.

I'll be using it for FOX.




ive got 2 and cant fault them . the only advice ill give is to get a custom trigger fitted,itl cost about £75 but make all the difference

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I run Tikkas for my centrefires but......


I was close to buying the SPS for my last 243 and it is a very strong contender for my new .308.


A pal has just got the SPS DM in .308 and I cannot believe the performance/weight equation......and f****** brilliant value for money!!!


Lots will say the build quality is not the greatest, but it works and shoots straight and lasts..so what more do you want...and there are also loads of 3rd party spares available, so no problem if you want to tart it up!!!



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hi,had a 700bdl in 22-250 for about 15 years .did a trigger job on it when i first got it ,the standard trigger unit can be made very sweet with some careful work but dont mess with it if you are not sure you are competant.cant fault the gun ,never ever had any trouble with it.go ahead ,buy and enjoy......greasemonkey

Edited by greasemonkey
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hi,had a 700bdl in 22-250 for about 15 years .did a trigger job on it when i first got it ,the standard trigger unit can be made very sweet with some careful work but dont mess with it if you are not sure you are competant.cant fault the gun ,never ever had any trouble with it.go ahead ,buy and enjoy......greasemonkey



The new trigger is definately an improvement X Mark Pro I think ...I can't remember!!

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What trigger did you get in yours Nemo?


Put a Jewell into my Remington (VL SS), and it certainly was not a drop in job as the shop said...




its a dead simple job..i watched and timed the bloke do my jewel trigger and it took him 6mins from start to finish...two pins and a spring...has made the gun shoot a little tighter

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Guest JohnGalway
its a dead simple job..i watched and timed the bloke do my jewel trigger and it took him 6mins from start to finish...two pins and a spring...has made the gun shoot a little tighter


Oh yes, on a lot of stocks i'm sure that's true :yes: But, mines a laminate thumbhole stock. The gunshop in question was sellign both that model rifle and the Jewell trigger. I had to take the dremel to my stock and spent some amount of time carefully butchering :icon_eek: it. The (watch out for technical terms now) bit that the safety button moves could not move forward at all, infact when I fitted the trigger unit to the action it would not go back down into the stock at all. It's an easy enough fix if you take the time to identify where the problem is but a pain in the bum after the git shop owner tells you a fairy story ;)

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its a dead simple job..i watched and timed the bloke do my jewel trigger and it took him 6mins from start to finish...two pins and a spring...has made the gun shoot a little tighter


Oh yes, on a lot of stocks i'm sure that's true :yes: But, mines a laminate thumbhole stock. The gunshop in question was sellign both that model rifle and the Jewell trigger. I had to take the dremel to my stock and spent some amount of time carefully butchering :icon_eek: it. The (watch out for technical terms now) bit that the safety button moves could not move forward at all, infact when I fitted the trigger unit to the action it would not go back down into the stock at all. It's an easy enough fix if you take the time to identify where the problem is but a pain in the bum after the git shop owner tells you a fairy story ;)



well ya didnt say you had a funky thumb hole jobby did you??? or havnt i read the hole post and jumped in feet first AGAIN :icon_redface::whistling: ...i can see my VIP invite to your farm dwindling away again.. :wallbash::icon_eek::clapper::tongue2: or should i just turn up with a couple of lurchers and my rifles on my back??

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SPS is a good rifle, the X Mark Pro trigger is awesome. Lightened with two turns of one screw, and then it's about the best trigger I've ever used on a hunting rifle.


My SPS Tactical is awesome, shoots very straight and isn't ammo fussy so long as you don't insult it with cheap crap :)


I would say to consider the CZ 527 Synthetic though. I have one of these, and spent a long time deliberating between it and a Tikka T3. I spent even longer deliberating over the SPS Tactical and SPS standard, so I've had a good old look at both.


The CZ has a detachable mag which I find a godsend at night, and it's lighter, and has a shorter (by 2 inches IIRC) barrel. The trigger isn't as good as an X-mark Pro, but it's not bad. Rifle itself is very accurate indeed, and handles a charm. It is comparable in price to the Remington and possibly cheaper, but you need to shop around now as CZ whacked their prices up.


Thus far it's shot everything I've thrown at it very well, but again not the cheap crap (Wolf, Barnaul etc).


Tbh, whichever way you go you won't go wrong, they're both really good guns.

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Guest JohnGalway
well ya didnt say you had a funky thumb hole jobby did you??? or havnt i read the hole post and jumped in feet first AGAIN :icon_redface::whistling: ...i can see my VIP invite to your farm dwindling away again.. :wallbash::icon_eek::clapper::tongue2: or should i just turn up with a couple of lurchers and my rifles on my back??


Well I said VL SS, which does have the thumbhole stock but there are so many makes and models with different specs that a bunch of letters can mean anything really. Lol, come over if you like Woz, the more the merrier :yes:

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