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Recession, poverty, war, terrorism crime............

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I try not to think too much about any of these really :hmm: , it just seems to flit from one thing to the other so quickly these days especially via the old interweb thingy, when there's war it's rammed down our throats, same with all the others really, the flavour at the mo is "recession" :yes:


One thing that baffles me though, with all this info so easy to hack into you'd think that the folk in the position of doing so would pile straight in there and nip most of the crap in the bud so to speak :yes: , but do they? :no: , all about money/power and I've got a bigger dick than you :laugh: I think a lot of folk worry about everything that is continually piled in their faces via the media would sleep soundly at night knowing there is more being done to protect our future with all this technology at hand :yes:


So to cheer up and reassure all who fall into this "what if?" category, there has been a development in the recession of this country and the bods concerned are on the case to "stop the rot" so to speak :yes:


I've had my wrist slapped by way of a letter from my ISP today regarding "Copyright Infringement", at 19:31:51 on 2008-10-02, I downloaded


01Nobody'sFaultButMine.mp3 :icon_eek::laugh: (step's back in feckin amazement!!!!!!!!!) :toast:


Quite an apt title to the track really :laugh: , so there you have it, the country is back in control and you can all sleep better for it :big_boss::feck::laugh:

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Guest JohnGalway

Once upon a time, I had a few shares in some company or other (yes, I really was that interested...) they sent me a cheque for.... 0.34p




So, that must've got processed by a certain number of people, printed, envelopled, the stamp, transport...


I decided to sell before I bankrupted them :D

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