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lawful knives

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Well being a young lad in the area i live in being stopped regularly as if im nothing but a common criminal is nothing abnormal.


Now the plod round here would love nothing more than to make an easy target of someone who was carrying a knife for the simple reason of hunting. Obviously lack of permission dictates that its not the best reason, as if he/she wanted to be a prick they could find other areas in which they could press charges. So i've been looking at the law and my understanding is a folding pocket-knife which has a cutting edge to its blade not exceeding 3 inches is perfectly legal without any excuse necessary. Is my understanding correct? Due to the exception in the statement below.


Here is a clipping of the law regarding this


The CJA 1988 mainly relates to carrying knives in public places, Section 139 being the most important.


"It is an offence for any person, without lawful authority or good reason, to have with him in a public place, any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed except for a folding pocket-knife which has a cutting edge to its blade not exceeding 3 inches." [CJA 1988 section 139(1)]


Apparently this type of knife is used for general purpose such as cutting string, food, etc and gutting critters ;)


Can someone explain to me if it would be legal to keep one of these in my car at all times due to it being an exception and what is a "cutting edge to its blade"


Any pictures would be useful


thanks LT

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further into the definition sect 139 of the CJA it mentions swiss army knifes, one of those is an ideal pocket tool!


avoid any where the blade locks open, so the only knives are those which if pressed/pushed the wrong way will fold shut and cut your fingers.....hence they are useless for a knife fight or robbery, but adequate for general pocket knife use


the cutting edge is simply the sharp part of the blade.


In your circumstances a swiss army knife would be ideal and can be used for gutting the occasional rabbit also!


something like this would be ideal!




i went to switzerland this year, a beautiful place with friendly people and knives for sale everywhere!


bought my 10year old lad one one of these in black for only a few pounds


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further into the definition sect 139 of the CJA it mentions swiss army knifes, one of those is an ideal pocket tool!


avoid any where the blade locks open, so the only knives are those which if pressed/pushed the wrong way will fold shut and cut your fingers.....hence they are useless for a knife fight or robbery, but adequate for general pocket knife use


the cutting edge is simply the sharp part of the blade.


In your circumstances a swiss army knife would be ideal and can be used for gutting the occasional rabbit also!


something like this would be ideal!




i went to switzerland this year, a beautiful place with friendly people and knives for sale everywhere!


bought my 10year old lad one one of these in black for only a few pounds




cheers compo you confirmed my thoughts i will be getting one of these ASAP ;)

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i dont think so mate only if your going hunting or something and thats within reason



So what does that exception mean then?



Can people only answer if they KNOW its confusing enough working out legislation without people adding to the confusion

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As long as they don't suspect you of any knife crime you can legally carry a Folding blade which Is under 3 Inches....Must be non locking though as It Is then basically a Fixed blade.


Go for either a Victorinox swiss army knife or an Opinel. Both good steels and cheap as chips.


You can carry ANY knife aslong as you have a VALID reason.

E.g. a Chef can Legally carry Chefs knives If he Is walking to work and a Hunter (With Permission) can carry say a 4 Inch Fixed blade.



Edited by Little Butch
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Guest smashygadge

well to cut a long story short . i had a full search when out hunting last week .

i had a knife in pocket and one in the vehicle .

i was told not to leave one in the vehicle at all .

to carry it on person ,i suppose if the vehicle is brken into somone would have a blade,

didnt go into specifics.


and the knifes i use are the exstendable snap off painting wallpaper knifes .

i showed the officers which were mod and they were happy for what i was using them for.

as i say the only problem was leaving in the car :thumbs:

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As soon as you walk off your drive onto a public footpath/road it becomes an offensive weapon. People can have swords, knifes in their property which is ok. So long as it remains in a dweling.

I'm no rozzer mind you! ;) A note,letter in your posession to proove your intentions is needed.

Leaving the said object in a vehicle 24HRS is a NO NO.

I learnt the hard way!!! :thumbs:

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You've all confused the lad and the issue.


You can carry any blade if you gave lawful authority or reasonable excuse, lawful authority (the example given in a blackstones law book) is a soldier with a bayonet, reasonable excuse would include the chef on his way to work, someone out ferreting/shooting etc..with permission


the exception in section 139 of the criminal justice act, exception means you can carry at any time without a reasonable excuse or lawful authority, is a knife with a folding blade which isn't longer than 3inch and which doesn't lock open!


Little Butch...you mentioned opinel...they lock with the twisting swivel so would be unlawful!


for what the lad described and wants a swiss armt knife would be everything he needs

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