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Where are all the sloes this year?

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  OldTrapCollector said:
There were tons of them last year, with the bushes hanging over laiden with fruit - I am struggling to find any this year.


Do they fruit in cycles - ie every two or four years??





I don't know the answer to your question - wish I did though! I was really looking forward to sloe gin at Christmas :(

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  harrycatcat said:
Last year the damson in my garden was laden with fruit I made damson gin damson vodka and was even chucking them away, this year not one.


Blackthorn bushes last year with loads of sloes this year none.


Dont know why though.




As I thought - there are no damsons on my garden tree either. Perhaps the pollination idea was right - it would explain the absence across the country wouldn't it?



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Went out yesterday to an old track with blackthorn on both sides and didn't see one sloe. Picked plenty of elderberries though and a load of rosehips. Made elderberry wine before but never tried rosehip. Thought I'd give it a go. Trouble with wines from natural stuff is they take so long whereas kits are ready in a few weeks. If anyone has never made wine before and is thinking of having a go it's pretty straight forward once you've bought one or two basics. Why not give it a try.


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