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out for a run with the dogs

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well we have had a couple of windy days up this end of the world and with the moon on its back :clapper:.

i decided to have my two dogs typp and flyte out for a few hours on some rabbits ,

Foxhunter phoned and the arrangements were made to have a few runs after an hours travell we arrived at the farm unpacked and we set off at approx eight oclock into the first field of the night ,

AS soon as well got into the field we noticed how much water was still lying on the surface in pools :thumbdown:,

anyway a scan around revealled two set of eyes the bitch was slipped on one and a quick catch back to hand and i slipped typp onto the other resulting in another in the bag :D we walked this first field accounting for seven between the two dogs and dropped them off next to the road to pick up later.

a short walk and into the next field and we took a further eight from this pasture :) a walk back to the motor and off load and away again alternating runs between the two dogs :victory: ,

Now the bitch has picked up a bad habit of stalking a rabbit ever since she almost was killed while hitting a wall in full throttle :o if a rabbit lifts she will quickly close and catch but this bad habbit resulted in me using typp to catch the lions share as this young dog knows how to hit squatters and runs the beam well :clapper: we managed to find two hares which had been previously shot at but since the gun was not present we did not allow a picture to be taken.

We had some terrific sport and some excellent catches the two dogs did well tonight in poor conditions :good: .infact at one point i was just telling foxhunter about a gully amongst some rushes which always holds deep water when suddenly i walked straight into it and was instanly soaked up to the knackers :icon_redface: wellies need emptying and back to the motor,

the rain came down really heavy and we called it a night around ten thirtyish we counted up back at the motor as we piled them in and flyte had retreived one hare and thirteen rabbits typp had taken twentyfour rabbits and one hare so all in all a good nights sport all be it a wet night for me :cray:


the final pic back at my house of the thirty seven rabbits taken tonight cheers foxy for some good crack and sport

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Well done fellas :notworthy: ,you lads certainly put some rabbits in the bag :yes: .You must take after Flyte Colin :whistling: ...NOT watching where your going :yahoo: what with her running into walls and you with the gulley :whistling: ,well they always say a dog is like it's owner :whistling: .On a serious note keep up the good work and if your ever stuck for a gallop Col get intouch fella and i'd be more than happy to have a jaunt over and collect you.Keep at em :ninja: .Cheers Andy. :boogy:

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  woodga said:
well we have had a couple of windy days up this end of the world and with the moon on its back :clapper:.

i decided to have my two dogs typp and flyte out for a few hours on some rabbits ,

Foxhunter phoned and the arrangements were made to have a few runs after an hours travell we arrived at the farm unpacked and we set off at approx eight oclock into the first field of the night ,

AS soon as well got into the field we noticed how much water was still lying on the surface in pools :thumbdown:,

anyway a scan around revealled two set of eyes the bitch was slipped on one and a quick catch back to hand and i slipped typp onto the other resulting in another in the bag :D we walked this first field accounting for seven between the two dogs and dropped them off next to the road to pick up later.

a short walk and into the next field and we took a further eight from this pasture :) a walk back to the motor and off load and away again alternating runs between the two dogs :victory: ,

Now the bitch has picked up a bad habit of stalking a rabbit ever since she almost was killed while hitting a wall in full throttle :o if a rabbit lifts she will quickly close and catch but this bad habbit resulted in me using typp to catch the lions share as this young dog knows how to hit squatters and runs the beam well :clapper: we managed to find two hares which had been previously shot at but since the gun was not present we did not allow a picture to be taken.

We had some terrific sport and some excellent catches the two dogs did well tonight in poor conditions :good: .infact at one point i was just telling foxhunter about a gully amongst some rushes which always holds deep water when suddenly i walked straight into it and was instanly soaked up to the knackers :icon_redface: wellies need emptying and back to the motor,

the rain came down really heavy and we called it a night around ten thirtyish we counted up back at the motor as we piled them in and flyte had retreived one hare and thirteen rabbits typp had taken twentyfour rabbits and one hare so all in all a good nights sport all be it a wet night for me :cray:


the final pic back at my house of the thirty seven rabbits taken tonight cheers foxy for some good crack and sport

I once had a collie greyhound cross that stalked ,she started when she was about 2,odd ones at first,but once she had started it got worse and worse,she would lope up to a squatter walk abit then stand,one ear erect jaws agape drooling, she even took to crouching down in front of them. Idont think there is a cure for it ,its in the strain,for all her faults she was a very good dog ,ijust learned to live with it ,and work around it.

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micky i know iv seen a few collie x dogs stalk up the beam as well :wallbash: frustrating it can be as well,

this bitch is deerhound x greyhound 25 inches to shoulder and is now approching five years old prior to these injurys she would take every rabbit from their seat from any distance .

,she just runs a bit more cute now funny to watch but frustrating to me when i know how she was before .

she still gives me a good nights sport and can fill a game bag but i tend to slip her on rabbits that are actually moving which she kills no bother. when you want large numbers a dog hitting in them their seats is a definate bounus ,

i must have all rounders since i have the best of both worlds :11:

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