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how to stop my terrier eatin ferrets

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can give this a try. when i was out with bloke doing a bit of ferreting my mates dog kept trying to grab the ferret when it came out the hole so what the bloke did was he got the ferret and when the dog tryed to go for the ferret he put the ferret to the dog and shouted that loud that it scared the dog and then the dog faught twice about doing it again.


give that a try may spook the dog worth a try

Edited by datawrite
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or ive been told that if he really wants to kill the ferret, then put a nice tight muzzel on the dog, tie him up and get a nice nasty ferret and put it near his face (away from his eyes) when the dog makes a bark and whining through the muzzel as he wants to bite it it will scare the ferret and it will hopefully bite the dog on the nose lol. this usually gives the dog a scare and my mates never even looked at a ferret after that day lol. Ive still got to try it on mine.

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My lakeland was exactly the same part from he had killed my mates ferret so had the taste for ferrets. So after i got my new kits i thought no way was that happening again. i introduced him gradually to them by holding himby the scruff of the neck and holding the ferret near him.He was still trying to grab the ferrets for about 2 weeks but this gradually wore after as he knew he was gunna get a slight tap if he made a lunge for them :whistling:.

After the 2 weeks i wa letting him ferret run about while he watched as i held his scruff. Then bout 2 weeks later again i let him off near the ferrets but kept right over the top of them both.. let this go on for about 3 weeks then 1 day my kit bit his paw and he ran a mile lmao. So now when he goes near the ferret hutches , he watches for the door opening and he moves right back .. if they run about on the floor he moves right away lol. Never tryed him out in the feild yet but by these results im guessing he'll be fine :D

Good luck its not easy work lol :good:


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Unless brought up with ferrets from a pup,you have no chance.Even more so since its tasted blood.Lakelands are hard dogs- more they hurt the more they bite (they are breed to kill foxes).A ferret bite will only fuel the already raging fire.Sorry to tell you the hard facts

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Unless brought up with ferrets from a pup,you have no chance.Even more so since its tasted blood.Lakelands are hard dogs- more they hurt the more they bite (they are breed to kill foxes).A ferret bite will only fuel the already raging fire.Sorry to tell you the hard facts


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Guest bigredbusa
Unless brought up with ferrets from a pup,you have no chance.Even more so since its tasted blood.Lakelands are hard dogs- more they hurt the more they bite (they are breed to kill foxes).A ferret bite will only fuel the already raging fire.Sorry to tell you the hard facts


amazing i never knew that :wallbash:

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