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static shock collars for training terriers

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my lakeland bitch has stated refuseing to come to the lead altho she wont leave me this is embaressing as she mostly dose it when we are in company i have been thinking of using a static shock coller as punishment as she is to fast for me to catch and when i chase her she makes it in to a game can any one give me any advice please?

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All Motivation or postitive-only methods only work if the thing that the dog is ignoring you for isn't self satisfying. For example, if he's more motivated by food than play and you offer him a treat. he'll come to you. But if he has a strong prey drive, he's chasing a rabbit and you call him, forget about it - because chasing a rabbit is more fulfilling than coming to get a treat from you. Thats where corrections come in. Then eventually you can have a dog that works without treats. You will never have a trained dog without some form of correction. Correction and motivation must be used to get a well trained dog.


E-collars aren't breed specific, they are drive and temperment specific. That goes for the level its set at (and that will change depending on dogs drive at the time) and all corrections (leash, prong, etc.).


YOU MUST condition the dog to the collar also - leerburg.com has more info on that. Put in on and take it off 5 times a day for two weeks BEFORE turning it on so that the dog dosn't even notice it going on or coming off. Don't just leave it on him for 2 weeks.

Get the collar appropriate for the size of your dog. I recommend a Dogtra.


I recommend buying the DVD from Leerburg.com on training with e-collars. I wouldn't even try to use one without at least reading the articles on the website.

Mal-training a dog with an e-collar is the very thing that has given them a bad name and ruined many dogs, not the tools themselves.


(By the way, a dog that needs an e-collar should never be taken out without it on. Why take the risk?)



Good luck!

Edited by Back Stabbath
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thank you a bundle: I just hope that some people will take the trouble to read and digest all this. And yes I agree about terriers retreiving: they love it! Easiest way to get a recall IMO, and stuff the so called hard guys who think that training is for pet owners and women LOL

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