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Joke !!!!!!!

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Got told this joke by an irish bloke on sunday !!!!!


There was a boy who lived in a remote area of western ireland and he was 22 years old. He had worked in the country all his life and had never seen a woman. One day while the young man was working in the forest a young woman from the city stumbled upon the wood and decided to have a walk around. As she walked around a bend in the path she saw the young man making love to small hole in a tree, very surprised she crept up behind him and then asked him ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING''. The young man was really surprised and embarrased and quickly covered him self up. The beautiful young lady explaned to him that he shouldn't be shagging trees and that he should be making love to women. She asked him ''If you want to learn, i haven't had sex in weeks i'll show you'' and then got undressed and laid on the floor with her legs open. The young fella looked puzzled and then suddenly took a few steps backwards ran at the women and kicked her right between her legs. The beatifull women got to her feet rather out of breath and asked him, ''What did you do that for !!!!'' he replied ''I WANTED TO MAKE SURE THERE WERE NO SQUIRRELLS IN FIRST'' !!!!!!!!!


Only the Irish can come up with these !!!!!


All the best Tommy ;);)

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