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  ROBERT954 said:
hi i have been and fetched this weird x she is 9 months old and been

very ill treated and due to that she is very snapy

just wonderd how to carm her down any advice wellcome













not knocking you at all for taking on the dog, but perhaps you should have looked abit more into the dogs temprement before you deicded to home it.


The dog is clearly the result of a pointless accidental mating, which has resulted in a dog that has practically no use whatsoever................and a fear of humans.......


you could settle it with time and patients, but sounds like an accident waitng to happen.........shame for the dog, but I think it would be better to have it pts.........think what a dog that size could do to a kid

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time and patience will bring it around youll just have to have one on one contact with the dog and spend lots of time just sitting around with it , just sit in the kennel and let the dog come to you make a fuss of it play with it but always be in control its a time game and you will need plenty of time then when you consider it ready then start socializing the dog take it to a busy shopping area but try to find a retreat so you can back of now and then so its just you and the dog then go back into the hussle and bussle if joe public wants to stroke the dog and you think the dog will take it let them but tell them no sudden movments and always be in control, best of luck its a long road to travel and it wont happen overnight

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good for you taking the dog & just be careful as she is a big dog other than that as others have said just take your time & let the dog come to you, be calm & consistant in everything you do with her & she will come around. When you say snappy exactly what did she do?


What she like with other dogs? do you have other dogs as it will be quicker for all if she lives with the others & watches how the house in run..


Just take your time & allways air on the side of caution, & if you are worried about her behaviour go & have her evaulated by a good known professional

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