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if you don't ask


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hi all thought i'd share my news with you , been off sick from work so thought i'd spend some time getting new permissions . so far this week i,ve managed to secure two golf courses and a huge garden centre / nursery 200 acre ! now all i need to do is find the time to keep on top of them ! carnt wait to get started on them and will post some pics of my days . just goes to show that you never no what you can get untill you ask !

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I bagged myself some more permission this evening, just picked up the phone and the old dear said that it was fine. So thats about another 400 acres of moorland filled with rabbits waiting to be ferreted. I will be there most days on half term as we sneeked in the other day and there were rabbits everywhere and holes in the ground and lots of nice grassy hedges, no brambles!!! and most of all it wont take me long to cycle to as its only about 1/2 and hour away.

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good going, you dont know if you dont ask!


and well done on thinking of alternative landowners golf courses and the nursery...........farmers are a strange breed and other types of landowners can lead to some good land

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cheers , already got a stack of farm land , nearly 2000 acres ! really wanted something different , fed up of pulling thorns out of my legs after every session ! dropped really lucky asked 4 places and got 3

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