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we shot and retieved this fox last night, i've never seen one like this before with a pure white muzzle, i heard some lads got one last year that was nearly all white.... :icon_eek:

as anyone else got any pics of different marked foxes ????




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I snared a grey one ,not a speck of brown in it ,Silver, I suppose you'd call it.I skinned it and was going to keep it but my Boss decided it was something he wanted and kept the skin in his Shoot lodge until the farm collie was accidently shut in there overnight. Result -no more fox skin!

A Keeper a few miles away shot one at night about the same time.He said it was a bit wierd as in the beam he could see what appeared to be a fox's shadow but no fox until he realised that the shadow was the fox!

Also, on a vermin drive on the extreme edge of this chap's ground we flushed a fox that was so strange no body shot at . It was marked like a Cape hunting dog. Only when we conferred after the drive did every one agree that it really was a fox . Maybe it was recovering from a skin disease that had affected fur regrowth but to be honest it looked healthy and hairy not at all mangy.


That white-muzzled fox is something special .Would be interesting to see if any other like it turn up in the area.Definatly worth taxidermizing. :thumbs:

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