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Large Rabbits

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there was a influx of huge rabbits on a island here called papa stour in the shetland islands tryed to find the news report on it but no luck , now they were definately rabbits tests and such where done i think they put there size down to some sort of pet rabbit being let loose and breeding with the wild stock to give these so called "giant rabbits" , i asked a friend of mine who lives on papastour when the island was in full flow with these rabbit whihc it isnt now , he says that when out on his quad the largest one he saw when on is back legs was from the ground to the front rack on his quad that was from head foot to ear tip, so they ended up bein well over 2 feet tall when on there hind legs. im sure he has photos of them so il ask him about it again.



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have to say, out of all the rabbits I've ever caught, I've never weighed one yet, you'll have us thinking were fishing

well i was ferreting one day(poaching on some gamekeepers patch)and i entered my reliable a

nd trusted jill in this medium sized warren,and after 10 mins bolted 3 rabbits,but the last one that bolted looked bigger

than my 12 pound terrier,it was so large my 31/2 foot nets just slid off his head,as my 12 pound terrier gave chase i couldn't help thinking this magnificent giant creature would evade capture as i know my terrier would never be able to hold

him,sure enough as my terrier caught up with him and they both struggled,i witnessed the rabbit give my terrier a good back kick that sent him rolling down the hill concussed to say the least,and there went my dreams of catching the largest

rabbit in the uk if not the planet..........


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