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fao jasper or any soul fans

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now i thought frank wilsons northern soul classic do i love you (indeed i do) was like rocking horse shite heard of a copy selling for 15 grand .. i just got myself a copy off ebay for £5.99 on motown .. anyone know the story behind the record ?

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now i thought frank wilsons northern soul classic do i love you (indeed i do) was like rocking horse shite heard of a copy selling for 15 grand .. i just got myself a copy off ebay for £5.99 on motown .. anyone know the story behind the record ?


No idea about the history behind the record stig but what a track :clapper:. boy that one's aroused some memories from way back, I'll give you double what you paid for it mate plus a bit more :laugh:...


Just been listening to it on Youtube a good few times :thumbs:..




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now i thought frank wilsons northern soul classic do i love you (indeed i do) was like rocking horse shite heard of a copy selling for 15 grand .. i just got myself a copy off ebay for £5.99 on motown .. anyone know the story behind the record ?


No idea about the history behind the record stig but what a track :clapper:. boy that one's aroused some memories from way back, I'll give you double what you paid for it mate plus a bit more :laugh:...


Just been listening to it on Youtube a good few times :thumbs:..




mate this guys got 4 copies left ..
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My kind of tunes!




No offence Stig, but that's not an original you've bought (your copy probably plays better than the original 2 copies that survived!)


It was Tim Brown and Kev Roberts, both local-ish lads to me who did the 15 grand deal on that record, here's the tale as told on Tim's website, Goldmine Soul Supply:




So what's the real story?


Well, being one of the former owners I will attempt to shine a little light on the mystery surrounding Frank Wilson's anthem -

'Do I Love You' Soul 35019.


Firstly, the actual discovery was made by a former researcher Tom Dieperro, a Motown historian who worked for them in the mid 70's. The disc unplayed, had been given to him by the company for any future research purposes.


Low on Tom's list of priorities, the disc and its destiny were about to be turned upside down when legendary Northern Soul dealer and record producer Simon Soussan finally met up with him. They both shared a love of Detroit and Motown in particular. Dieperro gave a clutch of oddball 45s, including Frank Wilson to Soussan to listen to.

The initial play was enough to send Simon into a frenzy and with his marketing know-how immediately sent acetates to the UK DJs under tile guise of Eddie Foster.

Understandably it became Northern's biggest ever find and caused much debate as to it's real identity (Simon being notorious for discovering Northern Classics and giving them false identities).

The secret was out in 1978 when Soussan offered his collection to Les McCutcheon (an entrepreneur from Weybridge, Surrey who later formed the band Shakatak amongst other chart successes).

The fact that it was now owned by a relatively unknown player in Les Mac, and the fact that it's origin was Motown, meant collectors gave it a luke warm reception.

Whether or not Les got cold feet or simply moved on to pastures new remains unclear but the disc was subsequently sold to Jonathan Woodliffe, a Nottingham DJ who briefly emerged as one of the UKs top collectors. Jon later became a dance jock and close ally of Alex Lowes and the Southport Dance Weekender.

With a sudden change of heart Jonathon agreed to part company with the record to yours truly, who owned the disc for over 10 years, when my future partner in 'Goldmine/Soul Supply Ltd' and reputedly the worlds biggest Northern Soul dealer offered me (then) the staggering sum of £5,000. At the time I thought that the Northern Scene had bottomed out and I couldn't see prices getting any higher so I agreed to the deal.


Tim Brown has subsequently been offered £15,000 for the side, voted by collectors and DJ's as the biggest Northern Soul single of all time.


Kev Roberts. © 1998


1977 Tom Dieperro discovers the disc at Motown in California

1977 Simon Soussan acquires the disc from Tom in Los Angeles.

1978 Les McCutcheon reputedly paid $500 to Simon for the single. Les loans the single to Russ Winstanley to play. (Russ, later in various publications and CD booklets, claims ownership .. falsely). Winstanley was the key DJ in turning the record into a monster. After a mishap at Wigan Casino the disc accidentally develops an edge warp. Les McCutcheon retrieves the disc from Russ and sells it to Jonathan Woodliffe for a reputed £250.

1979 Jonathan Woodliffe sells the disc to Kev Roberts in an exchange deal valued at £350 for 12", LP's and white demo Funk/Soul releases for his collection.

1989 Kev Roberts sells the disc, warp and all, to Tim Brown for the new world record of £5,000.

1990 The only 'other' copy turns up in Canada with Martin Koppel who aquires an original from former Motown collector Ron Murphy in Detroit.

1996 Tim Brown is offered an earth shattering £15,000 for the ultimate Northern Soul 45.


The End (or is it?)




· The single was scheduled for release on the U.S. Motown subsidiary label 'Soul' on December 23rd 1965.

· Marvin Gaye had recorded a version of the flip side "Sweeter As The Days Go By". Chris Clark also recorded "Do I Love You".

· The single gained a UK release in the early 1980's.

· A source at Motown/Polygram revealed Wilson's about turn on his vocal debut and quickly convinced Berry Gordy to destroy all existing promo copies.

· Frank Wilson was a reputable writer and producer and has legendary status with Northern Soul collectors for his work with Connie Clarke and the Checkerboard Squares amongst others. He is now believed to be associated with the Church in Northern California.



Hope that helps!


Here's a nice link for you:



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mate this guys got 4 copies left ..


Can you Pm the link across to me mate Please :thumbs:


Just found this one on you tube which I have here but its only a pressed copy but I loved it



This one I had on a Fox label but I loaned out and never got it back :doh:



I'm just off to watch strictly come dancing results :rolleyes:



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i whr`nt expecting an original ss - just thought you could`nt get any copies !! i`ve got a 1969 nsm jukebox full of northern and motown and a few hundred more that i cant get on - sounds like some of us been down the same path ns motwn ska - all the mod skinhead stuff for me .. thanks for the info

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Every now and again I dig the old box of 45's out, from my youth and nights spent at the Casino, and a quick thought flashes through my mind and I see the pound signs, then I close the box back up, close my eyes and go back to my youth and night off dancing and no sleep, then when these post come up thats my night set, jumping from one youtube track to another, feck it would give me an heart attack now

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i`m after the thrills - what can go wrong . if anyone comes across it let me know jh i told jasper the same dont sell em do what i did get yourself a jukebox all your fav tunes at the push of a button - go down well at barbies and partys ..

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