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Need your advice from A to Z to start stalking in Ireland

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Hi all,


I am a new member on your forum and I need quite a lot of advice. I am an experienced 29 years old hunter and before I moved to Ireland I was really much involved in helping young hunters to access good shooting grounds for little money. I moved in Ireland 1 year ago and it seems that I will not move back before years, I just love this country. Today I am requesting your help because the rules are slightly different here and most my Irish friends doesn't know much about shooting.


Shooting is more than a hobby, it is my life. I was grown up in the wildlife with my dogs (labradors and griffons). I think I can say that I have shot a few wildboards, roes and stag in driven shoot. I started stalking for roes in France few years ago and today I wish I could stalk in Ireland too. I am also very much fascinated by woodcocks and snipes, ducks as well. I am sure that you can understand how I feel not being able to go shooting... it is seriously getting me mad. I miss my dogs (Parents and brother take care of them, they are not left alone).


I will take the next HCAP assessment in about 3 months and I have to buy myself a new rifle for this exam and my future stalkings. The rifle that I use in France (9,3X62) is a too big caliber for Irish beasties. I am looking forward to buy a left handed rifle in caliber 243 or 270win with a nice rifle scope (probably a 3-12X56 from Zeiss, Swaro or Kahles). First of all I need your help to find a good Irish gun dealer, if possible not only a gun seller. I would prefer to find a skilled gun dealer.


My wish is to get a very accurate riffle, I am not a huge fan of long distances but I shoot also in Scotland and shooting over 250yards is not rare. I am sure a good dealer will advice me correctly. Do you know any in Republic of Ireland? As well I would like to join a gun club in order to meet other people. Going for woodocks alone without dogs is not really exciting.


Any advice is more than welcome. I look forward to read you and may be meet soon!


All the best



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paddy firstly you need to get land with deer on to shoot over this land has to be roughly around 60 to 100acres or more,

simply fill out the names of the landowners and area the land is in the size and the folio number of th land then apply for the deer hunting licence if you already have a gun or get a friends gun on the application. normally takes a few weeks at this time of year.

now if you have no gun then put a deposit on one and send of to the garda for an fac.

Where are you in the country...........to see if we can get you a gun......also would recommend the .243 if you are an accomplished shot already as not many like the .270 in ireland, or you could try the 6.5x55 which is an excellent deer calibre for this country also. :gunsmilie:

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Where are you in the country...........to see if we can get you a gun......also would recommend the .243 if you are an accomplished shot already as not many like the .270 in ireland, or you could try the 6.5x55 which is an excellent deer calibre for this country also. :gunsmilie:


Thank you Snap Shot


I live just outside Dublin but I am not afraid of driving. You are not the first one to tell me that .270 is not really popular in Ireland, I really wonder why? The reason why I will prefer an american caliber is that ammo is really cheaper than with europeans calibers. A good .243 would do for me, no problem. I have planed to shoot a lot on target in order to know my rifle and my limits.


Let me know if you can help




Edited by Paddywoodcock
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