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the most repulsive sight

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What about men when they bend over with nowt on, i meen touching there toes position, you can see there turkeys and hairy arse hole....(sorry)


And women with beards... (my ex bosses wife had a proper tash ) yack...!

thought you might be used to that sal, now that youve joined the sex in south yorkshire club :icon_eek:


Oooooh Jacko it was you i was talking about, it was when you had your dress on & no knickers,

those red high heels suit you.... and that lipstick....


but you forgot to have a shave jack...

it wasn't a lipstick sal, :icon_redface:

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What about men when they bend over with nowt on, i meen touching there toes position, you can see there turkeys and hairy arse hole....(sorry)


And women with beards... (my ex bosses wife had a proper tash ) yack...!

thought you might be used to that sal, now that youve joined the sex in south yorkshire club :icon_eek:


Oooooh Jacko it was you i was talking about, it was when you had your dress on & no knickers,

those red high heels suit you.... and that lipstick....


but you forgot to have a shave jack...

it wasn't a lipstick sal, :icon_redface:


i dont even want to answer that jack...


i will let someone else answer that...

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The worst thing i have ever saw was the aftermath of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, When i was in the forces.I can still smell the stench to this day. Give me a turd chomping marine or a hairy arse anyday Mind you i did do a yard of ale with a live goldfish in it once

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Guest foxyjo.

Some of your sories have made me feel sick!!! :sick: :laugh: Jeff....I wondered what they got up to!!!! :laugh:


I used to look after a friends kids occasionally a few years ago, and her son who would have been about 12 months at the time, had been dirty in his nappy, and was sitting in the playpen scooping it out and eating it... :sick: :sick: ...it was everwhere, in his hair, all over the playpen, toys, etc. ARGH...I'm getting that watery feeling in my mouth just remembering it... :sick: :sick: I was urging the whole time trying to deal with it.


Nothing else makes me feel sick, not maggots, rotting carcasses, pus, nothing an animal can produce, but human shit.....urgh.....that's me gone!!! :bad::bad:

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I had my mother in law living with me for 5 years,every morning id rise at 7 for work,the 1st thing id see was her false teeth in a glass,ferkin sickening :sick: she ruined my marriage for a long time,she used to walk about the house in a nightdress too,christ it was gross,think of nora batty and multiply it by 7....YUK!!!

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I had my mother in law living with me for 5 years,every morning id rise at 7 for work,the 1st thing id see was her false teeth in a glass,ferkin sickening :sick: she ruined my marriage for a long time,she used to walk about the house in a nightdress too,christ it was gross,think of nora batty and multiply it by 7....YUK!!!


Awww i bet you used to have nice little chats together , good son in law that you are :laugh:

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