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Can a hob that has been neutered still mate with a jill and bring her out of season or does the hob have to be entire or vasectomised?

I have 2 hobs and plan on snipping the one who isnt the better worker of the 2 and using him for any jills I get to bring them out of season and the better working jill I would breed with my better working hob. Is this an ok idea?


Hope it makes some sense... :laugh::icon_redface:




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I have hobs at the moment and im getting a couple of jills and getting one of my hobs a vasectomie is no trouble to me just needed to know what was the right procedure just in case lol. Id rather (personally) have my hob snipped then have to take jills to vet for jabs all the time.

Thanks for the help. :thumbs:

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Can a hob that has been neutered still mate with a jill and bring her out of season or does the hob have to be entire or vasectomised?

I have 2 hobs and plan on snipping the one who isnt the better worker of the 2 and using him for any jills I get to bring them out of season and the better working jill I would breed with my better working hob. Is this an ok idea?


Hope it makes some sense... :laugh::icon_redface:





getting one of your hobs vasectomised is what you need to do ,jill jabs are really recommended for emergencies and the majority of the time they will need another jab before the end of the season ,what you have planned is a good choice one i would make myself

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Your doing the right thing which ever one you get snipped as there's to many ferrets being bred just because a jill comes into season doesn't mean you need to bred from her to prove a piont check how many are being given away free in the free ad paper at this time of year :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Your doing the right thing which ever one you get snipped as there's to many ferrets being bred just because a jill comes into season doesn't mean you need to bred from her to prove a piont check how many are being given away free in the free ad paper at this time of year :wallbash: :wallbash:


Very good point. :thumbs:

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But if you are going to keep one entire for breeding then pic your best worker as you will want the best lines to be passed down


IMO i dont really botha to much about the sire.As long as the jill is a good worker.It works for me.

I suppose but if you have a good working sire it will make it better both ways

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