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Friend of a friend has 2 ducks she wants rid off, asked me if I wanted them. Apparently they are ducks for eggs, but doubt if they will lay right now? Anyone keep ducks, is it worth it, or shall I just fatten them up?


Thanks in advance.

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I love my ducks, we have a pretty eclectic group of animals and they are my favorites. They kind of putter around quacking and spashing about, and seem to ALWAYS be eating and rooting around for bugs, we see them out as early as 6am and as late as 2am. Normally they lay like machines, but either they are hiding their eggs, or they aren't laying right now. Once you get those two, I'll be you'll get more!

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Aye duck is tasty tasty very very tasty!!! But if they are a propper laying breed you might end up just sucking bones mate!!

If you have the space, then go for it, duck eggs are lush, and the layer breeds lay really well.


Find out what breeding they are and ill let you know what potential they have

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Do you know what type of Duck they are??? as that could give you a estimate into how many eggs you can expect a year & if they are truly a egg bird or a dinner table bird.


Other than that i would say ducks are a load of fun to have, they are great & keeping down all the insects in the garden & have a real funny character ( there like a english penguin hahahaha ) My two chase the dogs away from what they class as there territory & they allways come over for alittle attention.


Good luck & let us know how it goes with them.

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I used to keep pekins (table) and khaki and white campbells (eggs), I still have a few hens for the table and for eggs. Make sure they are egg layers if that's what you want and that they quack (duck) instead of hiss (drake). Keep them safe from foxes at night. They like a pond but will make do with a bucket of water. Ducks lay more eggs than hens but they dont keep fresh as long.


Good luck with them


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I thought if you don't wash the eggs they keep longer than chickens?


I think they are more porous than hens - but I could be wrong. I write the date on all mine and give the older ones to the dog. Keep the nest box clean and they dont need washed and dont let them out until later in the day if you want to find the eggs.



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