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Afternoon out

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Went out for a few hours today with a couple of lads who's parents are on here,i met up with one of them first and while we were waiting for the other lad to arrive we did a quick warren.We had a couple of rabbits from there and at one point the finder was giving all sorts of readings due to the power cables over our heads but the ferret played ball and showed so all was well.After this the other lad turned up and we set to another warren,well we knew the ferrt was working a rabbit as we heard it scream but nothing on the box and this time we were away from the cables.A while of rattling a hole and squeeking she returned with the furry paws bit,i checked her collar to find the new batteries weren't so new :censored: .Still wanted to get a few for the lads so cracked on with 2 ferrets 1 collar,set the nets on another warren and in went the ferret,20 mins later had me with the spade starting to dig.This ferret although a belting finder of rabbits has started to move once the digging starts :wallbash: and so did this time as it was only a foot or so i carried on to break through to the tunnel and lifted a rabbit out,as i was dispacting the rabbit another one that was in the block end siezed it's chance for freedom and lept out the hole and was away.We had another go at another warren and ran out of nets so sods law stepped in and we lost 2 rabbits from the unnetted holes :icon_redface: but we had one in the nets and another mark after a while on the box to dig to,i started to dig and one of the lads says here she is with the rabbit and she had dragged the rabbit out into the open.This rabbit was very skinny and had pussy legs but had clean eyes so myxi??? don't know,the others from the same warren looked clean as one of the escapies was looking at me before he bolted away and the one we caught was clean.We called it a day as i didn't want the lads to loose interest as it had been a bit hard going with some balls up happening at each warren,but thats how it goes some days.Had a good afternoon with a couple of good lads who i guess will be out again soon,these lads were of school for educational purpurses today :whistling: just a couple of pics and well done lads.




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Good trip mate.Don't you use Molly for ferreting?

Molly never stands still mate and smashes the rabbits,chap(fireman)is so steady and he just pins the rabbits rather than crunching on them i just end up allways taking him.When ferreting with the long net with him i can leave him in the ring of net on his own without any bother of him wrecking the net,he just lands on them and holds them there till i get there then he just lets go and is back on it.Molly on the other hand is better than him at just about everything else although i can't tell who has the better nose on them as they find in their own different ways,they both are very steady with the ferrets and both can be trusted 100% when working together.

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