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Hi all, i have just purchased and recieved the new mk3 magnetic collar and all i can say is i am impressed and would advise most to buy it, the mk3 works with my old mk3 collar and the new magnetic one which is a good feacture. It is also water proof which is an added bonus :victory: Youre comments?


Seen a link to them on here mate.Will get myself one to try out.Good to hear a positive comment about them. :victory:

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i saw it at the midland and thought it was huge, but then im used to the micro collar. in my opinion the smaller the collar the better for the ferret.


the mk1 collar was not alot bigger than the mk1 micro , but it was still smaller. and that was a step in the right direction.


but to me this is a step back. with all the technology we have today .


remeber the ferret is only a small animal , and to us a few grams or an ounce in weight isnt a big deal, but to a jill ferret weighing inly 12 once its a huge diffrence.

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in my thread i asked what locaters were best... it was regarding terrier work and i just wondered why the ferret men thought deben MK3 was good but the terrier men kinda disagreed???

Apart from the rest of the deben range theirs nothing else to compare it too maybe the terrier men prefer bellman & flint locators although lots seem to like the mk1 for ferreting

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I have two here and they are virtually the same size. The new one is a big step forward, the fact it is totally sealed, leather replaces nylon etc - I'm not saying you have to upgrade but it is MUCH better. They've obviously listened. I assume they will stop selling the old one, so there may be some bargains about.

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