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Any clue how i can shut this pup up?

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We just got a lurcher pup and i cant get it to shut up barking the neighbours are whining none stop and i need it sorting pronto everything i tried as failed anyone had same prob?

If it barks when you are around I would try a water pistol ,Ive seem a greyhound trainer use it to effect on dogs.

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We just got a lurcher pup and i cant get it to shut up barking the neighbours are whining none stop and i need it sorting pronto everything i tried as failed anyone had same prob?

If it barks when you are around I would try a water pistol ,Ive seem a greyhound trainer use it to effect on dogs.


dont get a peep out the thing when i in same room minute we eave the room or house it starts and its contant howling whining barking

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Make the pup think you've left, and lie in wait with a water pistol. When it starts, magically appear with a very firm NO and a squirt. Repeat. Repeat again and again till it sinks in :laugh: If the pup starts to get it and stays quiet for a minute, come in very calmly, treat and praise, then leave again. Patience and repitition.


Also try leaving the radio or tv on for the pup. Is it very young? Do you have other dogs in as well?

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use a firm hand and be precistent every time it makes a noise tell it off and i mean every time day or night dont be lazy if you dont knock a bad habit on the head when it comes to a pup the fiirst time hard then you have to do it every time from then and also id stop aying any attention to it stop pats and stop spoiling it

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Guest gaz100604
sorry didnt realise it was in wrong place :) oops


i bring my pups in at night and they sleep in kitchen , but its open plan onto living room at start he was a bollox running onto carpet jumping on seats with his dirty paws now he sits in his bed with other pup even when im watching tv hes 8feet away he will not come into living room cos a constant 3weeks of NO GET IN BED has worked i get up at 1.30 and 4am to leave em out not a drop of wee or shite in the place either one pup is 15weeks old he as learned very quickley

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Guest smashygadge

i have one the same but its a case of routine and not giving in to it in anyway.

and as was stated keep up with the telling and putting into its bed teadious hard work

but its like a baby keep it as you mean to go on .nd good luck :thumbs:

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We just got a lurcher pup and i cant get it to shut up barking the neighbours are whining none stop and i need it sorting pronto everything i tried as failed anyone had same prob?


Pay the pup no attention at all as you leave and re- enter the room- few seconds at first and build up from there. Don' t wind the pup up by making a fuss when you leave or come back.

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the pup is just missing you and getting used to being left alone. this behaviour is normal and just requires a bit of patience, put an item of clothing belonging to the pups favourite person in its bed/basket (jumper/coat) and go out for short period 2/3 times a day like to the bottom of the garden path and back then gradually make the periods of time longer. also make sure that the pup has time out on a walk/playing in the garden before you go out, make it more willin to sleep while your out and not bark! putting the radio on also works well

Edited by labsnlurchers
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