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I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Ian and the team for providing us with this site.


I realise that this site costs Ian quite abit of his hard earned cash, and I, like many others donate to help offset those costs, but I fear it is a drop in the ocean.


Being a moderator is often challenging - I used to moderate on another site, and sometimes, you can't do right for doing wrong. The team on here do a fine job, often under difficult circumstances, and I often feel that they are undervalued by a proportion of the membership. Just remember you can please some of the people, some of the time, but you'll never please all of the people all of the time...


All in all, this is a lovely place to be (most of the time), and is a credit to the staff team, and the membership. I have learnt lots, and often enjoyed giving people help. I've met some fine folks from this site, and have benefited greatly from their help and support.


So, you may ask, what is this thread about? It's about offering a bit of respect to everyone here. For me, that means that people should take on board the earlier message from Ian, and refrain from being dicks.


For anyone who is not sure what I mean, here are a few hints:


  • No more talk of illegal activities. That includes bragging about poaching (yes, it is illegal!).
  • No more libelous accusations (Ian will be the one who ends up in court)
  • No more threats of violence (even if you dont agree with someone)

We are all sportsmen (sorry, and women) and as such, we should all try just a little bit harder to show our sportsmanship to our fellows. We have many enemies, who have no idea why we do what we do - and never will have. We should unite and show them just how powerful true sportsmanship can be.


Anyway, back to the original gist of this thread.... You may lack respect for some of your fellow posters, but please, please, show some respect to the man who owns this site, and his representatives (the moderators) and adhere to the rules.......


Yours in Sport




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Guest bigredbusa
Salute to you!! :notworthy:

Maybe it will sink in now to those who think its cool to brag about there driving skills from the police and poaching tales!



so im guessing you are in the force then

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Salute to you!! :notworthy:

Maybe it will sink in now to those who think its cool to brag about there driving skills from the police and poaching tales!



so im guessing you are in the force then


Force? Me? LOLOLOLOLOLOL, you obviously dont know me! God all me mates are messaging me having a right crack!

You've made their night... :thumbs:

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I am filling up, this is so emmotional.........Ian.....your the best mate, no, no.......I mean it.........your a fecking hero!

Can I have a signed picture and a box of kleenex mate........and dab a little bit of your aftershave on it as well..........


Got to go, cant see the screen for tears............ :wub::cry::cry:

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Guest JohnGalway
are we still allowed to have a laugh ,and take the piss if it warrants it :D or is our membership in jeperdy if we do. :)


No, laughter, the craic and other such activities have been stricly banned forever more :tongue2:


From now on only approved former Eastern Bloc comedians will be allowed appear, one night a month at extortionate admission prices!


Of course you are! :thumbs:


The message that's going out is that they type of slagging off and intimidation that lines up alongside abuse etc is off the menu here. Nothing wrong with having a laugh ;)

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I am filling up, this is so emmotional.........Ian.....your the best mate, no, no.......I mean it.........your a fecking hero!

Can I have a signed picture and a box of kleenex mate........and dab a little bit of your aftershave on it as well..........


Got to go, cant see the screen for tears............ :wub::cry::cry:


:clapper::clapper: He's on the Jonathan Wos show friday Wilf! unfortunately the Mods will be backing the four Poofs and a piano :whistling:........



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