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how much to pay for .22 ammo

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In the Southwest (Devon & Cornwall) I expect to pay £35+ for a 500 brick of the 'good' stuff (Eley, Winchester, RWS). A bit less for Remington, Magtec, or CCI.

Cheap stuff is ok for plinking and general 'faffing about, in bolt rifles it doesn't matter much, but if you have a semi-auto forget it, the cycling on Sub's is bad enough anyway, without using crud ammo.

I found Reminton Subs yielded many more 'runners' on Rabbits than the other brands and too many ricochets, my conclusion is that the bullets are harder lead, and also have a tiny hollow point cavity, I think they go straight through without doing much shock damage, so I don't buy them anymore. Look out for bouncy 'rubber' bullets.

If you want to use High Velocity I advise Winchester Lazer if you can get it, in my rifles this has always been the most consistant, although the new Velocitor is equally as good.

All the hyper stuff e.g. Stinger and Yellow Jacket are rubbish, I've shot them in all sorts of rifles from well worn CZ's to top of the shop Anschutz and none could make a decent group at 50 yards let alone 100.

Anyway .22 ammo is cheap enough and you can buy an assortment of brands in 25 round outers from your local supplier without breaking the bank, Then you can test mine and other peoples theories and have a bit of fun at the same time, don't buy a 500 brick until after your experimental stage.

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"I found Remington Subs yielded many more 'runners' on Rabbits than the other brands"


So did I but I have to admit they are clean & very accurate in my CZ, as I normally chest shoot rabbits I use Winchesters normally.

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