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There must a be a good few lads out there who were either Mods/Skinheads from back then :yes:. for me it was great times and times I'll never forget....


Any stories or pic's from back would be good to hear? :drink:...


Keep The Faith



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Had a old Lammy that would break down every time it rained and the plastic bag over the coil never helped lol,the headgasket went one time and a few of us had to buy loads of kitkats for the silverfoil to make a new one at the side of the road.Had a cut down Vespa 150 super that also had extended fork (there's only one fork),the rear had been cut down and once in a traffic jam had this copper tap me on the shoulder and ask me where my other shock absorber was?,i looked at him and said this is how they are.He then told me to pull over while he parked his car,i waited until he got back into his car flicked him the v's and rode off as i wasn't exatly legal at the time.Seen a mate of mine seeze a Lammy 225 taffspeed tuned custom job(a lovely blue and crome job)doing 90 and he ended up laying it down,like a scene from Quadraphinia sat on his scooter in tears.The same scooter won a drag race against a rd 250,that shut the bikers for a bit lol.Great times had 150's redg'd as 125's as did everyone else,a lad i was at school with had a Vespa ss 200 redg'd as a 50 until a teacher grassed him up.Wish i could afford another one as it goes,but they cost some cash nowadays the old ones we all had.

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Had a px 125 chop with extended forks for my first scoot in 88, it was lethal used to do a wheelie at all the wrong times, went onto a primvera 125 which my seized and put in a hedge for me :icon_eek: then had a p2ooe regd as 125 that was the mutts nuts, was in a scooter club from hereford called muff divers scooter club :clapper: which is still going but has changed its name to the 49ers scooter club. went to the rallies from 88 to 94 those were the days. Bought a mk1 t5 two years had it restored rode it twice and sold it no time :thumbdown: good times!!!

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GS160 Mk1


A beautiful machine


Had a Rally 200 I bought from Stoke Newington for £500 and I restored that to an Eddie Grimstead job....I know, it's not an SS180 :whistling:


Bought a Kegra P5 on my 17th birthday and I've still got it now. My pride and joy.

Had various Lambrettas over the years but I'm a Vespa man at heart.

Having said that I'd love a nice TV Series 2 one day

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Guest smashygadge

well iam 34 always been a fan of the scene buy scootering mag .always wanted a scooter but for some reason just never managed to dissapioning because ive had my chances but never did .and think iam geting too old lol but if i were to get another bike i would.i love restoring and building bikes tooo this is the last i did not a scooter tho if it was id still have it :thumbs:


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Nice one smashy :thumbs:.


I loved Vespa's but later I picked up a DT175MX trials bike which had been in a bang, the frame was ok but the fork stansions was bent and a few other bits and peices needed tidying up before it was road worthy, I loved this bike! it was a real wheely machine ;)....


at the begging of the 90's the son of a guy I worked with came a cropper on a TZR 125! he smashed himself up a bit and his father just wanted rid, the bike was 2 years old and I picked it up for £300. again everything was straight on it apart from the front wheel/brake disc and some other bits and bobs, I finally got it tidied up and used it for work for a while until it was sold to a Boy racer :laugh:...



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Guest smashygadge
Nice one smashy :thumbs:.


I loved Vespa's but later I picked up a DT175MX trials bike which had been in a bang, the frame was ok but the fork stansions was bent and a few other bits and peices needed tidying up before it was road worthy, I loved this bike! it was a real wheely machine ;)....


at the begging of the 90's the son of a guy I worked with came a cropper on a TZR 125! he smashed himself up a bit and his father just wanted rid, the bike was 2 years old and I picked it up for £300. again everything was straight on it apart from the front wheel/brake disc and some other bits and bobs, I finally got it tidied up and used it for work for a while until it was sold to a Boy racer :laugh:...




yes well ive rebuilt a few to say the least

now id love to do a vespa with my own art work too but they are and have rocketed in money.

and id like one just to potter around on .

as i say i re did that mito mark 1 limited edition ,nice to ride not so on country roads like.

rather bad on the old back .ive done a tzr aswell an rs 125 a kx 125 and loads of trials bikes

but now my young sons into riding he is taking all the bread lol maintaining him but thats kids.

but you never no i may come accross one at a good price one day :thumbs:

and then i will have my kitchen full again well quite normal lol

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